Beach Management Plan: the official video - Entrepreneur Generations

We have the official version of where the BMP should be going:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: a 'preferred option' is an extra half-a-metre high wall along Sidmouth's promenade
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: District Council press release on meeting of 10th May > "Outline business case makes steady progress"

With a series of interviews from earlier in the summer during 'public consultations':

Funding still needed for splashwall to protect Sidmouth from flooding - Devon Live

The problem is that 'the public' and the Sidmouth representatives taking part in the process do not agree with the official line:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: "There is widespread scepticism of the process and little regard shown to the local understanding of what the real issues might be."
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: "In the long-term, we need to build more offshore breakwaters across the front and these could be semi-submerged so that they would not be visible for most of the time."
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: and the consistency of the frustrations faced by the volunteer stakeholders >>> steering group to meet...

from Futures Forum Beach Management Plan: the official video - Entrepreneur Generations

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