Brexit: and exporting shellfish from Brixham - Entrepreneur Generations

The fishing community voted overwhelmingly to leave:
Futures Forum: Brexit: and Fishing for Leave

The problem is that the British prefer steak to shellfish: 

The problem is complicated by the fact that much of what these men catch is exported back to Europe. From the 90 lobster pots and 300 whelk pots that Harvey has laboriously hauled to the surface that morning, some of the catch will get to London but the rest is either too expensive or out of step with local taste to find a British market.

“I don’t eat them,” admits his brother Chris as they pick over a bucket of whelks, which are said to taste of rubber if you don’t cook them right. With lobsters fetching a tenner each on the quayside and up to £50-£60 by the time they reach London restaurants, Chris says he prefers a steak if he wants to treat the family.

This makes walking away from the EU without a deal for ongoing access to its consumer markets another worry for what is left of the British industry. 

Some would still like to see UK fishing cut loose regardless. A rebalancing of British consumer tastes away from imported white fish and toward shellfish and other locally-caught produce could yet see this cottage industry grow into an artisanal success story.

'We have been hijacked': fishermen feel used over Brexit | Politics | The Guardian
Futures Forum: Brexit: and fishing rights >>>> "When Britain first joined the EU, the wholesale sell-out was a British choice – not an EU dictat."

With a report from Brixham: 

Brexit could leave fish rotting on the quayside

Cliff-edge warning from fisheries boss

Keith Rossiter
25 JUL 2018

Auctioneer John Rogers at Brixham Fish Market (Image: Keith Rossiter)
by Taboola

A “hard” Brexit could leave piles of fish rotting on the quayside, fishermen have been warned. “If they get a hard Brexit, they won’t know what hit them,” fisheries boss James Marsden said during a tour of Brixham fish market yesterday.

Brixham is England’s top fishing harbour by value of catch landed. The port has almost doubled the value of landings, from £22million three years ago to £40million in 2017 – mostly on the back of a booming cuttlefish fishery.

The auction at Brixham Fish Market (Image: Keith Rossiter)

About 90% of the cuttlefish is exported to EU countries.

Mr Marsden is vice chair of the Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority and a board member of the Marine Conservation Society.

“What happens if we ‘fall off a cliff’ and don’t get a trade deal?” he said. “This market thrives as the moment because it’s able to move fast and transport the fish within hours from here to the end destination. If that can’t happen, it would be very serious for Brixham.”

But Jim Portus, chief executive of the South Western Fish Producers Organisation, said: “I believe we’ll end up with a deal with our European colleagues because they also want frictionless trade into the UK.

A box of small scallops (Image: Keith Rossiter)

“It’s true that we have a perishable product going to the Continent, but there will be a deal.”

Although some fishermen are pushing for a cliff-edge departure, in which Britain severs its links to the EU on March 30 next year, Mr Portus said: “We are having a transition period and that’s already a done deal. In the EU referendum fishermen just wanted to get out. There’s the desire of the fishing industry, and then there’s the reality.”

Brixham fish market is leading the way in innovation in the industry. The market was knocked down and rebuilt in 2010, with most of the money coming from the EU and Torbay Council. Although fish are sold with a traditional “shout” auction, transactions are already done electronically.

Barry Young, managing director of Brixham Trawler Agents, said they hoped to install the UK’s first full electronic, web-based auction in January.

Brixham Trawler Agents managing director Barry Young with a tub gurnard (Image: Keith Rossiter)

He said the fishermen were naive to believe that they would get 100% of the Channel quota, but “we just hope to get a fair share”.

Mr Marsden and Hugh Raven, chair of the MCS board toured the fish market early yesterday with staff from the conservation charity.

Brexit could leave fish rotting on the quayside - Devon Live

from Futures Forum Brexit: and exporting shellfish from Brixham - Entrepreneur Generations

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