Brexit: and local authorities anticipating "billions in lost funding and soaring poverty" - Entrepreneur Generations

The East Devon Watch blog notes that the District Council has not been doing much planning when it comes to dealing with the UK's biggest change:
EDDC has done no Brexit planning | East Devon Watch

Here is the full Freedom of Information request on the District Council's website: 

Brexit impact assessments

Date submitted: 3 August 2018

Summary of request

1. Please provide any Brexit impact assessments conducted by your council, or other forms of Brexit planning. If you haven't undertaken any Brexit impact assessments please provide other forms of Brexit planning, as well as any notes for context.

2. Please provide any emails relating to Brexit planning/the impact of Brexit.

Summary of response

1. Please provide any Brexit impact assessments conducted by your council, or other forms of Brexit planning. If you haven't undertaken any Brexit impact assessments please provide other forms of Brexit planning, as well as any notes for context

- EDDC have not carried out any Brexit impact assessments or any other forms of planning. For further information please refer your enquiry to the Brexit Resilience Group ran by Phil Norrey at Devon County Council:

Frances Williams
Executive PA to the Chief Executive & Head of Organisational Development
Devon County Council
County Hall
Topsham Road
Tel: 01392 383201 or

2. Please provide any emails relating to Brexit planning/the impact of Brexit

- None

Date responded: 14 August 2018

Freedom of Information published requests - East Devon

Earlier today, the EDW blog spotted how other local authorities are anticipating the big change:
“Bombshell No Deal Brexit documents show councils fear billions in lost funding and soaring poverty” | East Devon Watch

Here's the full piece from the Mirror: 

Bombshell No Deal Brexit documents show councils fear billions in lost funding and soaring poverty

The local authorities have warned that the Government is not listening to their concerns

Nicola Bartlett Political Correspondent
13 SEP 2018

Councils have compiled a dossier of No Deal Brexit documents which warn that thousands could be left destitute in communities across the country.

Local authorities fear they may be left "unable to effectively support local communities" but they warn that the Government is failing to heed the warnings. They say that a post Brexit downturn could see businesses up and down the country go bust. While a series of major investment proposals have been put on hold due to Brexit.

A number of councils suggested Brexit will make desperately needed regeneration projects "unviable". Strikingly some of the most stark warnings come from areas which voted to Leave.

Fenland District Council rank the risk associated with a no deal Brexit on the same level as that of a natural disaster. The area in the East of England depends on unskilled labour from Eastern Europe and 70% of people living there voted to Leave.

It produced a corporate risk register in June which gave the risk of failing to take action to prepare for Brexit a score of 25/25. That rating is reserved for items with the potential for “catastrophic impact” and equal to the threat posed by a natural disaster.

Hackney Council raised concerns over the impact of Brexit on local job growth, with one local business claiming Brexit had "traumatised our office and the sector we cover". Hackney also echoed other local councils in reporting a spike in hate crimes since the 2016 referendum.

Harrow Council in London also predicted an increases in levels of poverty, homelessness and health inequalities in the Borough.

Lancashire County Council highlighted the importance of EU trade, with 62% of Lancashire's exports (£1,876 million per year) destined for the EU market.

Around 300 councils replied to the Freedom of Information requests which were put in by campaigning group Best for Britain - making the project one of the largest bodies of research into Brexit planning undertaken so far.

Commenting on the findings, Best for Britain champion Layla Moran MP said: "These internal council documents are devastating. They show Brexit will cause tremendous damage to their ability to provide the quality public services towns and cities up and down the country so desperately need.

"The only thing scarier than these documents is the fact that some councils haven't done them - effectively they're walking off a cliff blindfolded.

"The finger should point directly at those extremist Brexiteers in the Tory party with a gun to the country's head. We cannot let this sinister gang of hucksters usurp common decency and sensible politics.

"Thankfully, the fight isn't over. We can still put a stop to this madness through a people's vote with the option to stay in the EU. Only then will the people of this country be able to compare the devastation of Brexit - as shown in these documents - with the bespoke deal we've been building up over the past four decades."

Bombshell No Deal Brexit documents show councils fear billions in lost funding and soaring poverty - Mirror Online

from Futures Forum Brexit: and local authorities anticipating "billions in lost funding and soaring poverty" - Entrepreneur Generations

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