County Council rejects calls to investigate Devon NHS cuts - Entrepreneur Generations

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a flurry of campaigning activity:
Health campaigners urge MPs to listen to their pleas | News | Holsworthy Post
SOHS campaigners visit House of Commons | Barnstaple, Bideford and Ilfracombe News - North Devon Gazette | North Devon Gazette
Members of Defend Dorset NHS will attend a meeting at the House of Commons | Dorset Echo

The County Council has looked at what it can do over the provision of health services - but even at local government level this is not without political intrigue:
Futures Forum: County Council to consider "taking a strong position on protecting our community hospitals and a strong position on resisting any future plans to sell off the buildings"

The blog of Cllr Claire Wright looks at that intrigue:

Secretary of State for Health visits Ottery Hospital but leaves at speed, James Bond style!
Wednesday, 26 September 2018 6 Comments
Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care sped out of Ottery Hospital car park, in his ministerial car, with blue lights activated this morning, in an apparently desperate attempt to avoid speaking to me and around a dozen hospital supporters.

Just before he left in a hurry, officials asked me and around a dozen residents to leave the car park where we were peacefully waiting for him to exit. We didn’t have placards and there was no chanting.

Secretary of State for Health visits Ottery Hospital but leaves at speed, James Bond style! 

Why did ITV delete the film of the Secretary of State’s car speeding through Ottery Hosp car park
Friday, 28 September 2018 1 Comment
ITV’s short clip of Matt Hancock, Health Secretary’s ministerial blue-lighted car travelling at speed through Ottery Hospital’s car park, was deleted yesterday afternoon, less than 24 hours after it was posted.
Given that the video, which was in the process of going viral, must have dismayed both Mr Swire and Mr Hancock, my suspicions are directed firmly at these two. I will be interested to hear from the two politicians whether they played a role in removing the embarrassing footage.
The tweet in question from political correspondent, Nick Smith, also confirmed that Mr Hancock’s black jaguar, using its security alert blue lights, appeared to be fleeing the apparently terrifying prospect of talking to me and around a dozen peaceable looking residents.

Why did ITV delete the film of the Secretary of State’s car speeding through Ottery Hosp car park 

Minister’s visit does not dispel fears over Ottery hospital’s future - Ottery Herald coverage
Friday, 28 September 2018
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care says he is ‘optimistic’ for the future of Ottery hospital, but would not ‘categorically’ state that it was safe from being sold off.
For full story see -

Minister’s visit does not dispel fears over Ottery hospital’s future - Ottery Herald coverage - Claire Wright 

Heated debate as Devon Health Scrutiny chair rejects my proposal for review into health cuts
Sunday, 30 September 2018
I had yet another clash with Conservative Health Scrutiny chair, Sara Randall Johnson at the most recent Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee meeting, as she blocked my efforts to investigate the hundreds of millions of pounds worth of Devon NHS cuts that are ongoing.

Heated debate as Devon Health Scrutiny chair rejects my proposal for review into health cuts

from Futures Forum County Council rejects calls to investigate Devon NHS cuts - Entrepreneur Generations

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