Gender and the environment @ Radio 4's Costing the Earth - Entrepreneur Generations

The issue of "gender equality and women’s empowerment in conservation and sustainable development" is gaining ground:
Gender | UN Environment
UNEP: Gender and Environment
Gender and Environment - openknowledge.worldbank
Environment and climate change | EIGE

For example: when it comes to how men and women see plastic bag use:
Plastic Bags, Pollution, and Identity: Women and the Gendering of Globalization and Environmental Responsibility in Mali
• Consumer behavior after plastic bags ban by gender in Italy 2018 | Survey

Or how each sees trees:
Women, men and trees: Gender, power and property in forest and agrarian landscapes - ScienceDirect
Forests, Trees and AgroforestryWhy gender matters for restoration - Forests, Trees and Agroforestry

Or climate change:
Why do male climate change ‘sceptics’ have such a problem with women? - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment
Women More Likely Than Men to Believe the Science on Global Warming - Scientific American
Race, Class, Gender and Climate Change Communication - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
COP21 is too male dominated and has male priorities, says UN special envoy | Environment | The Guardian

This evening's Costing the Earth on Radio 4 looked at the issues:

Man vs Woman vs Planet

The environment affects us all so should gender matter when we consider how best to save the planet?

Lucy Siegle and Tom Heap take on the gender divide to find out how global warming has a disproportionate impact on women and how solutions which put women in charge can be highly effective in saving carbon as well as creating equality.

BBC Radio 4 - Costing the Earth, Man vs Woman vs Planet
Pastime: Man vs Woman vs Planet

from Futures Forum Gender and the environment @ Radio 4's Costing the Earth - Entrepreneur Generations

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