Knowle relocation project: a summary of the issues - Entrepreneur Generations

The District Council says it'll be moving pretty soon - but at great cost:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: ready to move, but at what cost...

The following is from the Vision Group's pages on Knowle, updated recently and giving 'a summary of the issues':

The document Submission from the Vision Group for Sidmouth 17/00040/REF Knowle Appeal was the last document which went from the VGS to the Inspector presiding over the successful appeal by PegasusLife against planning permission refusal.

A summary of the issues was sent to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government in March 2018 – and again in July 2018 when a new minister was confirmed: 

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: a summary of the issues - Entrepreneur Generations

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