Sarah's 7Rs > Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle, Return. - Entrepreneur Generations

The 3Rs is not enough:
Futures Forum: Reduce, reuse, recycle >>> >>> 'What's Wrong with the Three Rs of Environmentalism'

We need to go further - or at least focus on other priorities - as Sarah Allen of "Rhubarb and Runner Beans" reminds us:
Futures Forum: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Create 1 wheelie bin of rubbish per 6 months, with kids!

Transition Exmouth has the latest in its October newsletter: 

Sarah's 7Rs

Here is the link to Sarah;s blog on the subject:
We are all familiar with the 4Rs but here is Sarah's 7Rs take on that mnemonic: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle, Return.
To be blunt: we all talk about it but Sarah actually does it so take some leaves out of her book. Sarah has agreed to my using her notes so here is the 1st installment, on REFUSE:
That’s what I’d been doing when I started to look for recyclable packaging. It’s the main R in tackling rubbish, so top of my list. I refuse all sorts of things now, that previously I would have accepted. Simply put, if you don’t need it or want it refuse it! Shopping is the front-line in refusing; as one thing ran out I looked for recyclable options initially but now I try to refuse plastic and packaging
  • Shop around
  • Plastic-wrapped fruit and veg, (The Farm Shop). Buy loose, put straight into the basket or reusable produce bag
  • My Kids have a free choice but I deal with the rubbish further down my R’s system
  • I still eat cakes, biscuits, chocolate and crisps!
    • Cakes and biscuits (un-packaged or homemade)
    • Chocolate (foil or foil and cardboard e.g. Green and Blacks, M&S, Smarties, Cadbury’s Creme Eggs). Pick and mix in the market.
    • Crisps (often an alternative will work e.g. pistachios (from Lidl) or olives but now I also make crisps)
  • Unpackaged shops (Nourish and Plastic Free Pantry) I am now able to buy products such as pasta, rice, lentils, dried fruit etc plastic-free or without packaging).
  • Refuse Bin liners (I just don’t use any), plastic sticky tape (for our own present wrapping; I use paper tape instead), cling film, most conventional cosmetics and toiletries, tea bags wrapped in and containing plastic.

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And here is Sarah's blog:
rhubarbandrunnerbeans | blog

from Futures Forum Sarah's 7Rs > Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Rot, Recycle, Return. - Entrepreneur Generations

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