Selling police stations > Sidmouth's is "not under threat" - Entrepreneur Generations

There's a very nice police station in Sidmouth - Victorian brick - which would make an even nicer block of very expensive flats:
Futures Forum: Selling police stations as "a great opportunity for investors": "Many were built to the very high standards in the Victorian or Edwardian eras. These kinds of buildings also tend to be in good locations."

Apparently, though, we have nothing to fear:

Sidmouth Police Station isn’t under threat

PUBLISHED: 07:01 09 October 2018
Sidmouth Police Station on Woolcombe Lane

Sidmouth Police Station on Woolcombe Lane

Concerns over the future of the Sidmouth Police Station have been quelled by the town’s top ranking police officer.

It comes after Devon County Council centralised its civil enforcement officers, to be based out of Exeter, rather than the town’s police station.
Concerns were raised at the latest Sidmouth Town Council meeting on Monday, by Councillor John Rayson.
Segregant Andy Squires said: “The Devon County Council civil enforcement officers were based in the building which meant it was one of the few police 
stations in our force that actually earned an income which was quite good 
however they have now centralised and rationalised and all work out of Exeter I believe.
“That doesn’t mean that the station is under threat at all.
“It is still very much occupied by us and the response officers and I have heard no inklings at all to it being closed down yet.”
Sidmouth Police Station isn’t under threat | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald

from Futures Forum Selling police stations > Sidmouth's is "not under threat" - Entrepreneur Generations

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