Futures Forum: Sidford business park >> campaign group's latest updates > District Council not exactly willing to receive petition of 1,400 signatures...
Futures Forum: Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 18/1094/MOUT >>> REFUSED: but only on grounds of 'highway safety'
As shown by the campaign against the proposed Sidford industrial estate:
Campaign Update 19
STOP PRESS - East Devon District Council Refuse Business Park Planning Application
This morning the District Council decided to refuse to grant planning permission to build the Business Park at Sidford.
Whilst we welcome the decision we have concerns that it was solely refused on highways grounds.We are surprised, and disappointed that the District Council has said that there is a need for local employment land and that this site is the best location for that. We recall that the District Council, having placed the site in the local plan a couple of years ago, then tried to remove it. That doesn't demonstrate its support for this site. Therefore, we are concerned to read this part of the District Council's website statement.
Attached is the posting about the District Council's decision that has been taken from its website this morning. We are pleased to note that the Campaign's 1,400 signature petition and the 250 plus letters of objection have been recognised in its considerations.A great effort on behalf of all those who have taken the time to record their opposition to the Business Park.
The applicants could now take this decision to appeal which would mean that all of this would carry on for another 6 - 9 months. Therefore, we ask everyone to keep recording the traffic difficulties in and around Sidford and Sidbury. As long as the applicants continue to try and get permission to build on this site, the Campaign will continue.
One of the next discussions that the Steering Group will need to have over the forthcoming weeks is how we can progress the suggestion that we seek to get the site purchased by residents as a community asset.
Below is the press release that we have just issued about the District Council's decision.
Over the forthcoming days we will be in touch with all those who have kindly displayed the Campaign's poster boards on their property. We think that these can now come down, but we will keep them safe as we may have to put them up again at some point.
Best wishes
Campaign Team
Say NO To Sidford Business Park Campaign
Press Release – 16 October 2018
We are pleased that the views of local residents have been listened to once again. Over 250 residents submitted letters of objection, and 1,400 residents signed this Campaign’s petition objecting to the proposed Business Park.
The proposed Business Park is the wrong thing in the wrong place, and we urge the applicants to end the years of uncertainty and concern that has hung over local residents, particularly those in the immediate vicinity to the site, by publicly stating that they will not pursue this matter to appeal.
Whilst we are pleased that the District Council has refused to give planning permission for a Business Park we are disappointed that the Council has only done so on highways concerns. We believe that the refusal could, and should have been more wide ranging.
Until the applicants end their attempts to build a Business Park on this site the Campaign will continue to do all it can to reflect the clear views of local residents – NO Sidford Business Park.
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from Futures Forum https://ift.tt/2AeLnT3 Sidford business park >> campaign group's latest update > District Council refuse planning application - Entrepreneur Generations
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