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Which coincides nicely with the latest newsletter:
Sidmouth Arboretum Autumn Newsletter 2018
Welcome to the autumn 2018 newsletter from Sidmouth Arboretum which we hope will keep you informed of our activities and events in the Sid Valley. We would especially like to see you at the tree evening on November 30th in Kennaway House.
We have received several new requests to subscribe to the newsletter following the tree evening and AGM. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter then please contact us via one of the emails below.
TREE WEEK April 16th-April 21st
We reported in our summer newsletter about the success of tree week. The numbers of walkers led to us the idea of offering walks alongside the town history and geology walks from Sidmouth museum which we intend to host once a month next summer. There will be 2 routes, the first taking in Bickwell Valley and The Knowle and the second Blackmore Gardens, The Byes and Sidholme. As the result of a suggestion from one of our visitors at tree week, we are also investigating whether an accessibility trail for wheelchair users and partially sighted could be part of the second walk.
We have set the date for our second tree week as week commencing 20th May 2019. The format will be the same with walks, talks and visits through the week and hopefully the trees will have more leaf and blossom.
Schools Activities
After pupils from St Johns visited Sidholme for their tree identification exercise, we received an invitation to add the trees in St Johns school grounds to the Sidmouth Arboretum database and to work with the children to establish the heights of the trees.
The arboretum attended both Sea Fest and the Science Festival which enabled us to meet more people and talk about the importance of trees.
The Arboretum supported Sidbury Fair with a stand selling trees.
We have started labelling trees in The Knowle. There are 92 trees to label in The Knowle and 24 in Sidholme. This is an exciting new project for the arboretum, enabling people to identify the tree and get additional information from our website via the QR code. We will be labelling significant trees along our 3 walks when finance allows.
We are just about to commence our winter planting trees. Among other areas, we have given our support to the idea of putting more fruit trees into public areas and schools proposed by the town council. We have already identified some areas which could be planted with help from EDDC and hope to plant some apples in Blackmore gardens soon. If you have any ideas where additional trees could be planted then please let us know.
Tree Dressing – 24th November
We are going to try a new event, tree dressing, in the churchyard of St Giles and St Nicholas church at 16:30 on November 24th. Please come along with your children and grandchildren and put up a decoration on the yew tree by the path to Blackmore gardens.
Sidmouth Tree Celebration evening – 30th November
This year’s tree evening will be on November 30th inn Kennaway House at 18:30. The program will have the usual mix of song, talks, stalls and chance to meet old friends. Please come along and contribute to a lovely social occasion.
Sidmouth Arboretum AGM
The AGM will be held on January 15th at 17:30 in the Dissenters Hall. Please come along and hear what we do in a bit more detail and if you wish get involved. You will be most welcome!
Jon Ball jball25410@hotmail.com
Jill Gray jillgray22@gmail.com
Diana East info@sidmoutharboretum.org.uk
Sidmouth Arboretum
from Futures Forum https://ift.tt/2AyUvlk Sidmouth Arboretum Autumn Newsletter 2018 - Entrepreneur Generations
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