Many rural residents face barriers to accessing health care services, such as distance, expense, health insurance status, provider shortages, health literacy and more. The chat will discuss specific barriers to access and possible solutions as well as recognize rural communities that have addressed these barriers.
The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (@NOSORH) will co-host the chat, which will feature the following special guests:
- Donna Newchurch, Executive Director, Louisiana Rural Ambulance Alliance (@LAAmbulance)
- Allen J. Smart, Principal at PhilanthropywoRx and Project Director at Campbell University (@allensmart6)
- John Supplitt, Senior Direction at American Hospital Association, Section for Small or Rural Hospitals (@jsupplitt)
- Julie K. Wood, Senior Vice President of Health of the Public and Interprofessional Activities at the American Academy of Family Physicians (@JulieKWoodMD)
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (@BreatheBetter)
- National Rural Health Association (@NRHA_Advocacy)
- NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis (@WalshCenter)
Find out more about how to cover National Rural Health Day here.
from The Rural Blog Join rural health Twitter chat for National Rural Health Day - Entrepreneur Generations
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