What do you think money will look like in the future? >>> the Bank of England consults - Entrepreneur Generations

Local banking services are breaking down:
Two-thirds of UK bank branches lost - Rural Services Network
Incredible 12,997 banks closed as UK loses two in every three branches - Mirror Online
Calls for action over bank closures - Rural Services Network
British bank standards head calls for action over branch closures | Reuters

Perhaps we need to rethink the whole notion of banking and money - as is the Bank of England, which is encouraging us to give some input:

Let's decide the future of money

Money is evolving, and so is the way we pay, how we keep the financial system safe and what financial services we want and need.

What do you think money will look like in the future?

Share your ideas and questions...we look forward to hearing from you!

The future of money project - Rural Services Network
Future Forum | Bank of England - Powered by Crowdicity

Image thumbnail for challenge entitled Money, Money, Money

Money, Money, Money

Money, Money, Money pages will be focussing on three key themes:
We want to understand how people in the UK use their money, what payments they make and where, and what they think the future of cash will look like.

We will also discuss the range of payment service providers available, from banks and building societies to Open Banking.

The Bank's important role in payments, the changing face of banking, and managing your data.

Image thumbnail for challenge entitled Banking on a new world

Banking on a new world

In this topic Future Forum will be looking at financial innovation in a global context, its implications and actions the Bank is taking to prepare for the new world

Image thumbnail for challenge entitled Bank to the future

Bank to the future

This topic will discuss climate change, the future of savings and refer to the technological advancements in this field.

Future Forum | Bank of England - Powered by Crowdicity.

from Futures Forum https://ift.tt/2QpZ6PN What do you think money will look like in the future? >>> the Bank of England consults - Entrepreneur Generations

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