“A different place demands a different strategy” > Rural England, Conference, 8th March - Entrepreneur Generations

The Rural Services Network campaigns on rural issues - and is often featured on this blog:
Futures Forum: Countryside in reach: "living near or visiting green spaces can help people recover from stress and mental fatigue, reduce blood pressure and accelerate healing after surgery"
Futures Forum: UK government plans to improve air quality > 'will intensify rural fuel poverty'
Futures Forum: Rural health services need adequate funding
Futures Forum: Are charity shops "crowding out the independent shops that are needed to ‘revive’ British high streets"?
Futures Forum: Hidden hunger – how can we tackle food poverty and insecurity in rural areas?
Futures Forum: How to sustain and improve rural transport
Futures Forum: [Not] becoming NEET in rural England
Futures Forum: How to increase the number of affordable homes in rural England
Futures Forum: Campaigning to save rural banks
Futures Forum: Plastic and councils: there is no one-size-fits-all solution OR a “barmy” mass of different local approaches to recycling

The RSN is holding a conference next month:


As we approach the 20th anniversary of the last Rural White Paper, a one day conference will consider how a new Rural Strategy can deliver for rural communities in England and call on the Government to produce such a strategy.
This event will be the first “National Conversation” following the launch of the RSN’s campaign “It’s Time for a Rural Strategy”. The event aims to champion a new Rural Strategy to rural proof all future national policy, to raise the profile of the communities of rural England and promote genuine equality for the next generation of residents living in rural England; they are as much citizens of England as any other. We expect to look at a range of issues and opportunities, related to community and governance; connectivity and access and  essential services in developing the building blocks of a new Rural Strategy. We will hear from parliamentarians including Rebecca Pow MP, David Drew MP, Lord Cameron of Dillington and Baroness Cathy Bakewell before breaking into individual workshops with a panel discussion of rural experts to conclude. 
The country needs to have a means of making progress in addressing the travails and challenges for everyone post-Brexit. The opportunity of a properly resourced, forward looking, ambitious and comprehensive Rural Strategy can help us find a collective voice and form a vision of what we believe needs to be done to change the status quo. 
Friday 8 March, Taunton Conference Centre, Wellington Road, Taunton TA1 5AX. Coffee from 09:15 for 10:00 start, end approx. 4.00 pm 
If you would like further details please contact jane.vaus@btinternet.com


A different place demands a different strategy - Rural England, Conference, 8 March - Rural Services Network

from Futures Forum http://bit.ly/2UWBC31 “A different place demands a different strategy” > Rural England, Conference, 8th March - Entrepreneur Generations

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