Futures Forum: Fairtrade Fortnight in Sidmouth > 26th Feb - 11th March
Futures Forum: Fairtrade Fortnight in Sidmouth > 'Meet the producer' talk > Wednesday 7th March
This year's fortnight looks just as inviting - as the Fairtrade newsletter shows:
is Monday February 25th – Sunday March 10th
We are excited that Veronica Browne and Simeon Greene, Fairtrade banana growers from St Vincent, Windward Islands, in the Caribbean are visiting Devon for Fairtrade Fortnight. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out first hand, how much difference just choosing Fairtrade products makes to people’s lives. The Banana Growers will be in Devon from St. Vincent for all of Fairtrade Fortnight.
Sidmouth Library will have a display for the whole of Fairtrade fortnight.
Friday March 1st Banana Grower visits Sidmouth
The morning will be spent at at Sidmouth College with Year 7 pupils.
Afternoon: there will be an Open meeting at St Teresa’s Hall - with a presentation about Fairtrade and Bananas with Fairtrade Refreshments and Sale of Traidcraft Crafts, food, as well as a display by Waitrose of their range of Fairtrade goods.
Coffee morning 10:30-12 noon
Sunday March 3rd
Everyone is welcome to the Community Fairtrade and Local Breakfast at the Methodist Hall from 9:30 – 12: 15 with Traidcraft craft and food stalls
Fairtrade Refreshments after 10am Service at the Parish church – and March 10th
Fairtrade Refreshments at St Teresa’s Hall after morning mass
Everyone is welcome to the Community Fairtrade and Local Afternoon Teas with Fairtrade stalls at St Francis 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Other Community Groups , churches and shops or workplaces may have Fairtrade displays, refreshments, Fairtrade tea parties etc – watch out for their publicity.
Sidmouth Fair Trade Group - Home | Facebook
See also:
Fairtrade Fortnight | Fairtrade Foundation
We are excited that Veronica Browne and Simeon Greene, Fairtrade banana growers from St Vincent, Windward Islands, in the Caribbean are visiting Devon for Fairtrade Fortnight. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out first hand, how much difference just choosing Fairtrade products makes to people’s lives. The Banana Growers will be in Devon from St. Vincent for all of Fairtrade Fortnight.
Sidmouth Library will have a display for the whole of Fairtrade fortnight.
Friday March 1st Banana Grower visits Sidmouth
The morning will be spent at at Sidmouth College with Year 7 pupils.
Afternoon: there will be an Open meeting at St Teresa’s Hall - with a presentation about Fairtrade and Bananas with Fairtrade Refreshments and Sale of Traidcraft Crafts, food, as well as a display by Waitrose of their range of Fairtrade goods.
Fairtrade Assemblies at Sidmouth College and Sidmouth Primary School
Saturday March 2nd 10:30 The Library: storytelling and activities in children’s library
Saturday March 2nd 10:30 The Library: storytelling and activities in children’s library
Coffee morning 10:30-12 noon
Sunday March 3rd
Everyone is welcome to the Community Fairtrade and Local Breakfast at the Methodist Hall from 9:30 – 12: 15 with Traidcraft craft and food stalls
Fairtrade Refreshments after 10am Service at the Parish church – and March 10th
Fairtrade Refreshments at St Teresa’s Hall after morning mass
Everyone is welcome to the Community Fairtrade and Local Afternoon Teas with Fairtrade stalls at St Francis 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Other Community Groups , churches and shops or workplaces may have Fairtrade displays, refreshments, Fairtrade tea parties etc – watch out for their publicity.
Sidmouth Fair Trade Group - Home | Facebook
See also:
Fairtrade Fortnight | Fairtrade Foundation
from Futures Forum http://bit.ly/2SASsYC Fairtrade Fortnight in Sidmouth > Monday 25th February - Sunday 10th March - Entrepreneur Generations
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