Futures Forum: Lack of repair knowledge in society
Futures Forum: Repair Café > "acquiring and enhancing technical and entrepreneurial skills while raising awareness on issues of sustainability and the circular economy"
The Herald online carries a further piece - with a reminder of tomorrow's next Café session:
Sidmouth Repair Café – it's about building up relationships
PUBLISHED: 07:00 26 April 2019

Chris Dunford of Bradfords (second standing from the left, with members of the café team) and a table laden with materials and tools to help the fixers in their work.
The Repair Cafe movement has been growing over recent times and communities are benefiting
The Repair Café movement is gaining ground. Last month, the Café in Exeter repaired 263 items, breaking the world record for the highest number of items mended in one day.
The Sidmouth Café has not yet reached these heights, but last month was its most successful.
One satisfied customer was clearly pleased: “Two pairs of trousers expertly repaired and a much loved coat, which was a challenge but now looking in perfect condition again!”
All sorts of things are fixed at the Café – from printers and lawnmowers to teddies and toasters, with the Café now particularly able to help with broken computers.
The expert fixers have been helped by a generous donation of tools and materials from Bradfords Building Supplies. And as their manager Chris Dunford said when visiting the Café: “It's not just about repairs, it's about building up relationships and making friendships.”
The Repair Café is held every last Saturday of the month at the Youth Centre in Manstone Lane, Sidmouth.
Sidmouth Repair Café will be operating on Saturday, April 27.
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Sidmouth Repair Café – it's about building up relationships | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
from Futures Forum http://bit.ly/2L1u9Qe Sidmouth Repair Café > Saturday 27th April - Entrepreneur Generations
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