Futures Forum: Sidmouth Town and District council elections > HUSTINGS event > Tuesday 30th April > more details
Here are the lists of candidates from the council's website for the District Council:
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903680/sid-rural.pdf (1 seat)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903695/sidmouth-sidford.pdf (3 seats)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903683/sid-town.pdf (2 seats)
Following a Boundary Commission review in 2017, the district will be divided into 30 electoral wards for this election and there are 60 district councillors representing the wards.Who is my councillor? - East Devon
Here are the wards for the District Council - and Sidmouth has 6 places:
East Devon District Council Elections - 2 May 2019 - East Devon
And here is the list of streets for each ward:
Street Index
Local elections May 2019 - Vision Group for Sidmouth
Here are the lists of candidates from the council's website for the Town Council:
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903869/sid-east-tc.pdf (1 seat)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903872/sid-north-tc.pdf (4 seats)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903686/sidford-salcombe-regis-tc.pdf (2 seats)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903692/sidford-village-tc.pdf (2 seats)
http://eastdevon.gov.uk/media/2903689/sidford-south-tc.pdf (5 seats)
These are the contested seats:
And these are the uncontested seats:
For Sidmouth (Primley), Sidmouth (Sidbury) and Sidmouth (West)
Town and Parish Elections - May 2019 - East Devon
Unfortunately, no street index is available.
The Herald has the manifestos for candidates standing in the District Council election:
East Devon elections 2019; Meet the candidates for EDDC's Sidmouth and parish seats
11 April 2019
Clarissa Place
East Devon District Council elections are fast approaching with candidates hoping to win electorates votes on May 2.
Meet the candidates standing in Sidmouth’s Rural, Sidford and Town wards.
A hustings event will be held in Sidmouth on April 30.
Sidmouth Rural (one seat)
David Barratt (Independent)
I am currently a Town and District Councillor. As a true Independent, I work with Councillors from any Party on individual issues, gaining agreement through trust and respect, not constant opposition. I stand by my record of fighting strongly against inappropriate development, notably the Sidford Business Park proposal, and I will be speaking to object at the upcoming Appeal. There is a lot left to do. I promise to work hard to do it.
Ray Davison (Labour)
Ray has been a member of EDDC standard’s committee and active school governor in Exmouth for over thirty years. On Labour’s national policy forum he successfully moved the amendment which secured abolition of National museum and gallery charges. “In these days of masterplans, outsourcing and so-called regeneration projects with their commercially protected internal debates and Chinese whispers, the key issues of public transparency and accountability to voters need addressing to ensure that public assets are protected and retained.”
John Loudoun (Independent East Devon Alliance)
I live in Sidbury within the Sidmouth Rural Ward. I have a strong commitment to public service. I will stand up for Sidmouth and Sid Valley. I want better and more efficient services for local residents and visitors. I will have no personal vested interest to pursue and I want to make improvements to our lives locally. Tough times need high standards and leadership. I will provide both.
Facebook election page: JohnLoudoun4SidmouthRural
Website information: eastdevonalliance.com
Lewis Ragbourn (Liberal Democrat)
Lewis, who is a retired wine trade professional, lives on the outskirts of Sidford. He is strongly committed to protecting the interests of rural areas, alongside the considerable development challenges facing Sidmouth. He considers that East Devon District Council is too remote and secretive and would press for greater accountability and openness. He believes that local councils need to do all they can to combat climate change, including by increased recycling and plastic reduction.
Chris Wale (Conservative)
Having had the privilege of growing up in Sidmouth I know many people within the Sid Valley. Having served 12 years as the district ward member and 18 years on Sidmouth Town Council, I am seeking re-election as I believe the next four-year term will be crucial to the health, safety, prosperity, and happiness of everyone in Sidmouth and Sid Valley Rural requires a strong knowledgeable councillor who will represent them regardless of their political persuasion.
Sidmouth Sidford (three seats)
Stuart Hughes (Conservative)
I believe the record shows the results achieved on a wide range of issues that I am someone who stands up for what is right for both the individual and wider community. If re-elected I shall continue to provide a strong voice on East Devon for the Sid Valley giving 100 per cent in my community leadership role working with residents, community groups, schools, town and county councils on local issues and enhancing and safeguarding local services.
Dawn Manley (Independent East Devon Alliance)
Sidmouth is a beautiful town to live, work and play in. I was fortunate to have been born and lived my 49 years here. We have seen many changes, with some good and some not so good, and have been an Independent councillor for eight years. If re-elected I will continue to represent the people, not some distant party political machine with no care for what is important in our unique community. I stand for people not politics.
Zachary Marsh (Conservative)
“I have lived in East Devon all of my life and am a Sidford ward resident. I want local people to feel their councillors are working with them, not over them. That for me means fighting Sidford Business Park, supporting our brilliant small businesses, and properly grappling with issues of parking and policing to improve the quality of life for residents. Sidmouth needs action not words and EDDC needs stable, proven Conservative leadership.”
Colin Mills (Labour)
Colin was born and brought up in Sidmouth. He served as a parish councillor in the Chilterns and worked as a volunteer for the local Oxfam, Chiltern Open Air Museum. He worked in the civil service and graduated from the Open University. Combatting isolation and loneliness in the elderly and retired is also another of his concerns. Planning, education and libraries are areas in which he intends to address.
Marianne Rixson (Independent East Devon Alliance)
“As a councillor, I have opposed the Sidford business park due to inadequate road access, flooding and harm to our AONB; supported the successful Drill Hall campaign; spoken out against high business rates; challenged issues such as poor broadband coverage,120% increase for parking at Sidford and introducing charges for public toilets. If re-elected, I will continue to fight for the interests of Sid Valley residents and a new access to Alexandria Industrial Estate.”
Jenny Ware (Conservative)
Jenny Ware was born in Sidmouth. Her family dates back many generations. She successfully ran her hairdressing business “Jenstyle” in the town centre. “I was born in the beautiful Sid Valley which I am so blessed to be able to call my home and if I am elected as your ward councillor I will do my utmost to be there for you and to listen and help where I can to resolve your problems.”
Ken Warren (UK Independence Party)
“My wife and I are from the Midlands but so love Sidmouth we retired here. As your representative I will work to focus council spending on essentials, because I believe people and local businesses are better judges of how their money should be spent. I will challenge any plans to build over our lovely countryside – and don’t even think about windmills! Moreover, your vote for me will signal your dismay at the unfolding Brexit betrayal.”
Sidmouth Town (two seats)
Denise Bickley (Independent East Devon Alliance)
“I am a keen environmentalist, founder of Sidmouth Plastic Warriors and Regional Representative for Surfers Against Sewage, running regular beach cleans and helping to gain ‘Plastic Free Community’ status for Sidmouth. I am standing because I strongly believe we should all put something back into our community. I will always act according to my conscience and the people I represent. I am not a fan of party politics and believe it’s time for change.”
Nicholas Diprose (Labour)
Nick has lived in Sidmouth for three decades and feels qualified to represent Sidmouth at both town and district level. Nick will do his best to listen to all representations without favour, and to respond with the necessary vigour, whilst acting with dignity and empathy. Nick comes from a strong trade union background, specialising in occupational safety and health, teaching health & safety at work to reps over the South West and at City College Plymouth.
Cathy Gardner (Independent East Devon Alliance)
“As a councillor and local resident I have spoken up for the town using any means possible. I intend to continue to do that if re-elected to represent you. I will: encourage collaboration to support our high street and improve the street scene; call for action on the delayed Beach Management Plan; push for improvements at Port Royal to capitalise on the redevelopment of the Drill Hall; and call for transparency on the true cost of relocation.”
Sheila Kerridge (Conservative)
SHEILA has lived in Sidmouth for 46 years, married to Martin for 50 years, and owned and traded as Vinnicombes Bakers and Confectioners in the town. SHEILA’s previous experience as a councillor includes serving on EDDC as tourism champion, STC on its tourism & economy committee and the Sidmouth Parishes Pathways Partnership. She is very interested in sustainable tourism within our town and keeping our pathways and bridal ways safe for all our residents and tourists.
Timothy Venner (Conservative)
“I am a lifelong lover of Sidmouth. As a lifelong Conservative my priorities for Sidmouth and East Devon are a council run efficiently keeping council tax low by strict financial control. My main concerns are keeping East Devon a place where young people can return from education to work and find family housing to ensure a balanced age profile for benefit of all. Beach stabilisation is urgently needed, an area in which I have extensive knowledge.”
Who is standing for Sidmouth in East Devon District Elections 2019? | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
And here are the Town Council candidates' manifestos:
East Devon elections 2019; Who is vying for a Sidmouth Town Council seat?
11 April 2019
Clarissa Place
Residents will head to the polls on May 2 to elect their chosen candidates to represent them on Sidmouth Town Council.
The Primley, Sidbury and West wards will not be contested on election day resulting in standing candidates to be elected unopposed.
Deirdre Hounsom, Emma Murdoch and Jeff Turner will take the seats as the Primley ward members, John Loudoun will represent Sidbury and Louise Cole will retain her seat as the west ward representative.
The remaining candidates vying out for the remaining seats.
Sidmouth East (one seat)
Marc Kilsbie (Independent)
No statement provided.
Louise Thompson (Independent)
“I love living in Sidmouth, and am proud to have returned home to live in the town I grew up in. I co-launched The Lighthouse community business hub this year, and want to continue to contribute to our wider community. If elected I am keen to focus on initiatives that support our local economy, the environment, and the range of opportunities and facilities available for all ages to thrive here at work and play.”
Sidmouth North (four seats)
Charissa Evans (Independent)
“I aim to protect our beautiful green spaces, ensuring that Sidmouth is a place for all ages to enjoy and feel secure in. Having taught in state schools for twenty years, I’m passionate about Youth Services and acutely aware of the demand for activities and areas for our growing population. Increasing cuts to services mean we must unite. We must protect our High Street, and boost Sidmouth’s economy by encouraging people to shop locally.”
Stuart Hughes (Independent)
“Having represented the North Ward since first being elected to the Town Council 28 years ago I have worked hard in supporting the community, and as both Snow & Road Warden have gone the extra mile in helping the town become more resilient in times of inclement weather. Re-elected I shall continue to work in champion the completion/implementation of the cycle/footpath links to Sidbury and Feniton and help deliver the climate change agenda.”
Sheila Kerridge
SHEILA has lived in Sidmouth for 46 years, married to Martin for 50 years, and owned and traded as Vinnicombes Bakers and Confectioners in the town. SHEILA’s previous experience as a councillor includes serving on EDDC as tourism champion, STC on its tourism & economy committee and the Sidmouth Parishes Pathways Partnership. She is very interested in sustainable tourism within our town and keeping our pathways and bridal ways safe for all our residents and tourists.
Dawn Manley (Independent)
“Sidmouth is a beautiful town to live, work and play in. I was fortunate to have been born and lived my 49 years here. We have seen many changes, with some good and some not so good, and have been an Independent councillor for eight years. If re-elected I will continue to represent the people, not some distant party political machine with no care for what is important in our unique community. I stand for people not politics.”
Andie Milne (Independent)
“I moved to Sidmouth nine years ago, from the moment I arrived I have been active with various community voluntary organisations. Since being a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group I have become passionate about positive communication between the residents of Sidmouth and elected town council members. If you vote for me, I will endeavour to promote transparent communication by listening and facilitating the best action plans to benefit all those who reside in our beautiful town.”
Jenny Ware (Independent)
Jenny Ware was born in Sidmouth. Her family dates back many generations. She successfully ran her hairdressing business “Jenstyle” in the town centre. “I was born in the beautiful Sid Valley which I am so blessed to be able to call my home and if I am elected as your ward councillor I will do my utmost to be there for you and to listen and help where I can to resolve your problems.”
Edward Willis Fleming
“Sidmouth matters, to everyone who lives, works or visits here. I want to serve both young and old, to help preserve and improve, enhance and advance our precious green and blue spaces and our incredible built environment. By helping to found Sidmouth Arboretum and The Sidmouth Trust, and as a local business person, I hope I’ve shown how much Sidmouth matters to me. Let me help represent your concerns too and what matters to you.”
Sidmouth Salcombe Regis (two seats)
Ian Barlow
“Most people know me as a local businessman but for the last eight years I have also been your local town councillor, most recently as it’s vice chairman. I have used the experience gained from 40 years living and working here to help transform Sidmouth Town Council into the most proactive, efficient, innovative and courageous town council in East Devon. I seek your vote so I can continue this work for the benefit of us all.”
David Barratt (Independent)
“I am currently a Town and District Councillor. As a true Independent, I work with Councillors from any Party on individual issues, gaining agreement through trust and respect, not constant opposition. I stand by my record of fighting strongly against inappropriate development, notably the Sidford Business Park proposal, and I will be speaking to object at the upcoming appeal. There is a lot left to do. I promise to work hard to do it.”
Cathy Gardner
“The Town Council should be more open and proactive for all parts of the Sid Valley. Cuts to street cleaning by EDDC have led to more litter and weeds: we need a street cleaner to clear up problem areas and do small jobs abandoned by EDDC. I fought relocation from the Knowle and to ‘Retain, Refurbish and Reuse’ the Drill Hall - which is now happening! The Town Council must now push ahead to improve Port Royal, using s106 money from Sanditon.”
Sidmouth Sidford Village (two seats)
Peter Blackmore
“Whilst living In Sidmouth for 11 years, I have seen many changes in the Town and going forward I plan to make the council more accountable for. Its important to improve the Health and Wellbeing of our citizens,young and old. I am a committee member of The Gig Club, was involved in the campaign to protect the Drill Hall and I will be campaigning to Stop the Sidford Business Park other sites are available.”
Jack Brokenshire (Independent)
Residents of Sidford. Thank you for your faith in me in the past years and hope you will have faith in me for the next four. We do not want the business park at Sidford for obvious reasons. Traffic congestion. Danger. It is bad enough trying to cross the roads now especially at the bottom of Sidford high street. Possible chance of flooding. Packhorse bridge in times of the floods cannot take any more.”
Ian McKenzie-Edwards
“I have been a town councillor since 1988 the majority of the time representing Sidford. I have always involved myself in all aspects of council activity. As a planning committee member I oppose the Sidford employment land proposal. Sidford still has a sense of community based on its two halls. Now EDDC have moved I would like to see the town council be as proactive as possible in securing the future of the valley.”
Colin Mills (Labour)
“Colin was born and brought up in Sidmouth. He served as a parish councillor in the Chilterns and worked as a volunteer for the local Oxfam, Chiltern Open Air Museum. He worked in the civil service and graduated from the Open University. Combatting isolation and loneliness in the elderly and retired is also another of his concerns. Planning, education and libraries are areas in which he intends to address.”
Marianne Rixson
“I’d like the Town Council to adopt a ‘can do’ attitude, put the community first and welcome public engagement. I have fought the proposed industrial site at Sidford because of the adverse impact HGVs would have on both villages; other sites are available for local employment. I will campaign against any plans to charge for public toilets, which would be disastrous for residents and visitors. I will also support initiatives to save our high street. “
Sidmouth South (five seats)
Denise Bickley
“I am a keen environmentalist, founder of Sidmouth Plastic Warriors and Regional Representative for Surfers Against Sewage, running regular clean-ups. I believe we should all put something back into our community. I have many ideas to help Sidmouth: encouraging events that will benefit the community; protecting the natural environment; supporting local businesses and re-energising our town; supporting our youth services; making volunteering easier to get involved in; researching the possibility of evening classes and improving the town’s website.
Kelvin Dent (Independent)
“I am standing for re-election in Sidmouth Town Council’s South Ward where I live with my wife, Sue, and which I have represented since 2013. My present duties include chairing the Planning Committee and organising the Hopper Bus which I hope to continue if I am re-elected. I also want to safeguard the Knowle park and gardens for public enjoyment. My hobbies include playing music for various groups which help raise money for local charities.”
Nicholas Diprose
Nick has lived in Sidmouth for three decades and feels qualified to represent Sidmouth at both town and district level. Nick will do his best to listen to all representations without favour, and to respond with the necessary vigour, whilst acting with dignity and empathy. Nick comes from a strong trade union background, specialising in occupational safety and health, teaching health & safety at work to reps over the South West and at City College Plymouth.
Christopher Lockyear
“Sidmouth is home and I am proud of where we live. I am a Governor of Sidmouth College and chair the programme committee of the Sidmouth Science Festival. The Council needs to ensure Sidmouth remains an attractive place to live and work, but also to visit. We have a fantastic natural environment which we must preserve. We also have a huge amount of human talent, of all ages, which we must use to benefit all.”
John Rayson
“There are a number of challenges facing our town–the loss of public halls, crumbling cliffs, shops closing and adjusting for the move of the district council out of Sidmouth. I hope to continue to play a part in sorting out these problems. The whole Port Royal area should be developed. I would like to see our own Jurassic coast centre as part of any development. There is also wide support for a pier or jetty.”
Paul Wright
“I have been pleased to represent the Sidmouth South ward for the past four years, acting as councillor with financial responsibility for the past three years. During my time, I have led the introduction of water refill stations around the town to reduce plastic waste, introduced a wildflower meadow at St Margaret’s and a sea swimming platform for this summer. Married and father of four teenagers, we have lived in Sidmouth for over ten years.”
East Devon elections 2019; Who is vying for a Sidmouth Town Council seat? | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
from Futures Forum http://bit.ly/2V3yuXE Sidmouth Town and District council elections > HUSTINGS event > Tuesday 30th April > candidates' manifestos - Entrepreneur Generations
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