States ranked by health emergency preparedness; how does yours stack up? - Entrepreneur Generations

Map by the National Health Security Preparedness Index; click the image to enlarge it.
The nation's overall ability to manage health emergencies has improved significantly over the past six years, though some regions lag behind, according to a nationwide study.

The 2019 National Health Security Preparedness Index, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, analyzes 129 measures for each state and for the nation as a whole, such as the number of paramedics and whether bridges are in good condition. Such measures help determine how well states could respond to and recover from a health emergency caused by infectious diseases, terrorism, extreme weather, and more.

The index offers granular data for each state, including trends over time and how states stack up against others in measures that affect their preparedness, such as health security surveillance and incident and information management. Click here to see how your state stacks up.

from The Rural Blog States ranked by health emergency preparedness; how does yours stack up? - Entrepreneur Generations

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