Clean Power Plan replacement a boon to coal-fired plants - Entrepreneur Generations

The Trump administration has finalized a replacement for President Obama's Clean Power Plan that aims to help the coal industry by easing emissions restrictions on coal-fired power plants. Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler signed the measure Wednesday, and said he expects more coal plants to open as a result. "But one state, New York, immediately said it would go to court to challenge the action, and more lawsuits are likely," Ellen Knickmeyer reports for the Associated Press.

Coal state lawmakers and industry representatives applauded the move because they believe federal regulation, not market forces, are to blame for the coal industry's decline, Knickmeyer reports.

The move is one of the biggest environmental regulatory rollbacks done by the administration, and comes as the EPA's own scientists warn that the air pollution triggered by the rule will result in the deaths of 300 to 1,500 people each year by 2030, Knickmeyer reports. EPA data also shows that, after decades of improvement, air pollution in the U.S. has gotten noticeably worse since President Trump took office, Seth Borenstein and Nicky Forster report for the AP.

from The Rural Blog Clean Power Plan replacement a boon to coal-fired plants - Entrepreneur Generations

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