Weekly editors' group seeks proposals for papers to help with issues and everyday problems in community journalism - Entrepreneur Generations

The International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors and the Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media at Kansas State University invite academicians and community-newspaper journalists to submit proposals that provide insight and guidance on general issues and/or everyday problems that confront community papers and their newsrooms, with particular reference to weekly, general-interest publications with circulation under 10,000.

Examples could include legal, political or ethical issues; alternative print/ digital integration models; surveys to determine successful techniques for staff recruitment/retention; ways to boosting online presence or to elicit “best practices” for special editions. Information on how states handle Sunshine Law violations or how papers train reporters to be alert for such violations would also be of interest. These are only some of the many areas on which research could focus.

The “Strengthening Community News” competition is an extension of the Huck Boyd Center’s former “Newspapers and Community-Building Symposium,” co-sponsored for 20 years by the National Newspaper Association and its foundation.

Proposals will be peer-reviewed by faculty members with expertise in community journalism. Final selection of the papers to be written will be made by a panel of working and retired community journalists, who will evaluate the proposals on the basis of their potential value to newsrooms. Completed papers will undergo a final peer review prior to publication in an issue of ISWNE’s quarterly journal, Grassroots Editor.

The schedule has been set up to ensure publication of all accepted papers by January 2021. One paper will be selected for presentation at the next ISWNE conference, June 24-28, 2020, in Reno, Nevada. ISWNE and its foundation will provide the author with a complimentary conference registration, and a travel subsidy.

Proposals should be submitted electronically by Oct. 1 to Huck Boyd Center Director Gloria Freeland at gfreela@ksu.edu. The proposal itself should contain nothing that would identify the author. It must be accompanied by a separate title page containing full author contact information (name, email, mailing address, university and/or professional affiliation and phone number). The call for proposals, with detailed information on logistics, dates can be found on the ISWNE website, www.iswne.org.

from The Rural Blog https://ift.tt/2JsrHPT Weekly editors' group seeks proposals for papers to help with issues and everyday problems in community journalism - Entrepreneur Generations

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