U.S. Department of Agriculture will host a free webinar from 1-2 p.m. ET on March 10 to discuss application tips for its ReConnect program, which aims to help rural areas build out broadband internet.
The program will provide up to $200 million in grants, $200 million in low-interest loans, and up to $200 million for 50/50 loan/grant combinations. The USDA announced a second round of ReConnect funding on Dec. 12 and began accepting applications on Jan. 31. Applications must be submitted by March 16.
Click here to register for the webinar.
Telecommunications companies, rural electric cooperatives and utilities, internet service providers and municipal governments are eligible to receive the funding. The agency will award funds to projects with financially sustainable business models that will bring high-speed internet to rural homes, businesses, farms and community facilities such as health care sites and schools.
from The Rural Blog USDA to host March 10 webinar about ReConnect broadband program; applications due by March 16 -
Entrepreneur Generations
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