Rural Assembly livestreams to discuss rural pandemic concerns about broadband, government response - Entrepreneur Generations

Two upcoming Rural Assembly livestreams will discuss rural broadband access during the pandemic.

The Daily Yonder will host the first livestream at 4 p.m. ET on Thursday, April 16 on their YouTube page. A panel of rural stakeholders in a variety of fields will discuss how broadband disparities have affected social distancing measures for rural and tribal people who have been obliged to work and learn from home, not to mention increasingly rely on telehealth. Click here for more information about the livestream and a list of the panelists.

The second livestream, at 4.p. ET on Apri1 22, will discuss whether the government's response has been adequate in addressing rural broadband disparity, and what further actions need to be taken. Panelists will include a representative from the Federal Communications Commission.

Registration is not required for either livestream, but registrants will receive an email notifying them when the discussion is about to begin.

The Rural Assembly and the Yonder (both products of the nonprofit Center for Rural Strategies) are planning future livestreams to explore policy responses for expanding rural broadband and helping communities in need during the pandemic.

from The Rural Blog Rural Assembly livestreams to discuss rural pandemic concerns about broadband, government response - Entrepreneur Generations

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