Groundwater depletion means peak grain-growing era has passed for some High Plains states - Entrepreneur Generations

The peak era for grain-growing has already passed in some High Plains states, according to a new survey of groundwater depletion.

"To more accurately predict future grain yields, researchers looked at the relationship between levels of water extraction from the Ogallala aquifer and the amounts of grain harvested in each state over the last 50 years," Brooks Hays reports for UPI. "Researchers adapted analysis techniques previously used to study the relationship between peak oil production and peak grain production. The research team detailed the results of their analysis in a new paper, published Tuesday in the journal PNAS."

According to the new analysis, for example, "Texas and Kansas reached peak grain in 2016. Grain yields in the two High Plains states have been declining over the last four years. Without new yield-boosting technologies, grain production in Texas could decline as much as 40 percent by 2050," Hays reports.

from The Rural Blog Groundwater depletion means peak grain-growing era has passed for some High Plains states - Entrepreneur Generations

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