Nov. 29 is Subscribe Sunday, a social-media campaign encouraging people to subscribe to their local newspaper - Entrepreneur Generations

We're all familiar with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But how about Subscribe Sunday? 

#SubscribeSunday is a social media campaign encouraging citizens to subscribe to their local newspaper or its digital equivalent. The Boston Globe came up with the idea in 2018 (and will release new statistics and content on their website later today). 

Subscriptions are vital to local newspapers' bottom lines, especially since advertising revenue has crashed amid the pandemic. But advertising money has been bleeding away for years—nearly 70 percent since 2004—because of social media. 

Subscribe Sunday is an news peg to drum up more subscriptions, but it can be more than that. As readers increasingly turn to the internet for their news, news publications can use the observance to encourage people to think about where their news comes from. In rural areas especially, no one else but the local news media will cover city council meetings or high school football games or the church bake sale. Citizens who understand the value of local journalism should be more likely to support it.

Subscribe Sunday also an opportunity to educate readers on media literacy, especially those who prefer to get their news from social media. Such readers might not understand that not all "news" stories shared on social media are trustworthy, and that many are from partisan websites masquerading as local news sites. Reputable local journalists, meanwhile, put in the hard work of reporting the facts, and when they get it wrong, they say so.

The Globe will publish free graphics and new statistics today that you can use in crafting your message. In the meantime, here's a sample pitch from us you can use: "As you plan your purchases for the big holiday shopping weekend, please consider investing in a strong democracy. Support independent local journalism and subscribe to your local news organization or give a subscription as a gift. Share your purchase on social media using hashtag #SubscribeSunday."

from The Rural Blog Nov. 29 is Subscribe Sunday, a social-media campaign encouraging people to subscribe to their local newspaper - Entrepreneur Generations

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