"Rural perspectives should be present in every office in the Biden administration, said a panel of rural policy experts convened by students at
Kenyon College. When decision-makers don’t understand rural communities, bad policy can be the result," Olivia Weeks
reports for
The Daily Yonder. "The biggest takeaway from the panel, said Daniel Napsha—founder of
The Rural Cause initiative at Kenyon, is the need for rural voices in policy discussions. A non-representative body of policymakers has resulted in major structural problems, he said." The Rural Cause, which sponsored the panel, is a student-led advocacy group seeking to strengthen ties between Kenyon College and its rural Ohio surroundings.
The Feb. 18 panel, called "The Future of Rural America Under President Biden," also discussed the need for direct rural-development funding, the importance of data collection, the dangers of rural stereotyping, and the policy implications of misunderstanding rural America.
Read more here.
from The Rural Blog https://ift.tt/37JyBfq Panel of rural experts say Biden administration needs more rural voices -
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