NNA webinar on newspaper sample copying Thursday - Entrepreneur Generations

Sample copying, a key audience-building tactic for newspapers that could become much more important, will be the topic of a National Newspaper Association webinar at 3 p.m. ET Thursday.

"The nonsubscriber rules in the Domestic Mail Manual are there to allow you to promote your newspaper to nonsubscribers and grow and maintain your mail delivery, but too many papers fail to use this tactic," NNA said in announcing the webinar. "You need to provide your advertisers and potential advertisers with more reasons to spend their dollars. A regular sampling program increases your distribution and your worth to advertisers. A program of total market sampling at key times of the year can also be a good advertising tool. This could be to your entire county or to key Zip codes within the county."

NNA is supporting postal-reform legislation that would allow up half of a newspaper's annual home-county circulation to be mailed to non-subscribers at subscriber rates. The current limit, more than a century old, is 10 percent.

The panel will be NNA Postal/Government Relations Chair Matthew Paxton, publisher of the News-Gazette in Lexington, Va.; Max Heath, postal consultant and former executive editor, Landmark Community Newspapers; Brad Hill, CEO of Interlink Inc.; and Tonda Rush, NNA public-policy director.

The webinar is free to NNA members, and $30 for non-members, but only NNA members will have access to the recording of it. Register here.

from The Rural Blog https://ift.tt/3r2oHy9 NNA webinar on newspaper sample copying Thursday - Entrepreneur Generations

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