Rural residents in 4 of 5 countries studied—including the U.S.—less trusting of news media than city dwellers - Entrepreneur Generations

How news trust differs based on country of residence.
Reuters Institute chart; click the image to enlarge it.
Turns out it's not just an American phenomenon: the Reuters Institute's latest Trust in News report found that, in four of the five countries studied, rural residents trust the news significantly less than city dwellers. But that distrust may be part of a larger pattern, as rural residents are generally less trusting (as are older people, those without college degrees, and whites).

In the U.S., 40 percent of rural residents were "generally untrusting toward news" compared to 16% of urban residents. Political affiliation is an especially significant indicator of news media distrust in the U.S. as well, according to the report.

However, it's worth noting that most respondents said they trust some news sources more than others, and definitions of what qualifies as "news" vary. They may be referring to the news media in general, news on certain platforms (like TV or print), news brands, individual journalists, or specific news stories.

from The Rural Blog Rural residents in 4 of 5 countries studied—including the U.S.—less trusting of news media than city dwellers - Entrepreneur Generations

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