News-media roundup: Broadband money for journalism? ... Gannett exec vows, 'We are going to save local journalism' - Entrepreneur Generations

Some of the money Congress appropriated for high-speed internet service should also go toward improving local news coverage, because nearly half of the "news deserts" in the U.S. are also "broadband deserts," write Steven Waldman, head of the Rebuild Local News Coalition., and Penn State Professor Christiopher Ali. In formal comments to the Commerce Department, they point out the "double deserts" and suggest guidelines for a grant program for local news outlets.

Gannett Co. has named Michael A. Anastasi, vice president of The Tennessean and USA Today South Region editor, to lead what it calls an "effort to transform the growth trajectory for hundreds of local newspapers. He will implement Chief Content Officer Kristin Roberts' “Project Breakthrough,” which the company says "focuses on key growth areas to increase nationwide audience, including opinion columns, newsletters, service journalism, breaking news and audience engagement." Roberts said, “We are going to save local journalism, and we’re going to do it by working together with absolutely clear eyes about the challenge and tremendous speed toward the solution. When we place the reader at the very center of our business plan, we begin to prioritize what the reader wants and needs.” 

from The Rural Blog News-media roundup: Broadband money for journalism? ... Gannett exec vows, 'We are going to save local journalism' - Entrepreneur Generations

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