College student voters are 'propelled by concerns that directly affect them,' such as the economy, global warming - Entrepreneur Generations

College students working to get youth registered to vote. (Photo by  Yunuen Bonaparte , Hechinger Report) This year's electio...

Opinion: Iowa editor considers where Americans can 'find center again' after this year's elections - Entrepreneur Generations

Art Cullen By Art Cullen Editor, The Storm Lake Times What comes after Nov. 5? Most Americans and the betting markets believe t...

Simply adding ground limestone to rivers and oceans could decrease global warming, but the challenges are many - Entrepreneur Generations

Rivers naturally deliver carbon to the ocean, preventing it from entering  the atmosphere. (CarbonRun graphic) Scien...

Quick hits: Trucks for farmers; guide for emergency alerts; Native Americans enter elections; PORKtober is here! - Entrepreneur Generations

AGwagon kits make trucks tough enough for farming. (Photo by Matthew J. Grassi, Farm Journal) Farmers who want a truck built for ...

U.S. dams are aging and vulnerable to failure; many communities will have to decide between removal or repair - Entrepreneur Generations

Flooding in Wisconsin after a massive storm in 2018. (National Weather Service photo via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) Deterior...

Opinion: Understanding how fentanyl 'saturated the U.S. drug supply' could help address the addiction crisis - Entrepreneur Generations

Naloxone can prevent overdose deaths, but it's expensive. (Adobe Stock photo) The current U.S. opioid crisis started with pai...

Bound by a passion to protect a 'pristine corner of Colorado,' this 'ragtag organization' helped change government policy - Entrepreneur Generations

A hiker enjoys the White River National Forest, which overlaps with the Thompson Divide. (Adobe Stock photo) A shared passion fo...

Flora & Fauna: Celebrity goat; pest-resistant tomatoes; eye-popping foliage; grizzlies on the move; pawpaw popularity - Entrepreneur Generations

Crisco hasn't let stardom go to his head. He enjoys hiking and roaming just like not-famous goats. (Facebook photo) For peopl...