More Numbers: A Little Friday Catch-Up

It’s been a tad busy this week, so much so that thinking before writing was an at-risk activity. Nonetheless, I did pick up a few odds and ends to launch us into the weekend.

My post about data subsuming our lives came under attack twice, first when my family gave me an Easy Bloom soil sensor for Father’s Day (a true “machine in the garden”), and second when Wired magazine decided that the accumulation of massive amounts of personal data enhanced our lives.

(The Wired article reminds us that the hero of the cult TV series The Prisoner once cried, "I am not a number! I am a free man!)

I’m actually excited about sticking the Easy Bloom in the garden. However, we haven’t had any sun in New England for the entire month of June, so chances are I won’t need to be a weatherman—much less download the Easy Bloom into a global vegetable database-- to tell me which way the cucumbers are blowing.

Thanks to an invitation from gentleman Jonathan Vehar at New and Improved, I had the opportunity to see Dean Kamen present this week. Besides the Segway Personal Transporter, Dean’s company, Deka, is bringing clean water and electricity to emerging countries, as well as the coolest prosthetic arms you can imagine to handicapped veterans. As Dean said, and I paraphrase: A solider that lost an arm in the Civil War got a piece of wood with a hook. Until recently, a soldier flying a billion dollar jet at mach 2 who lost an arm got a piece of plastic with a hook. We can do better than that.

Dean also reminded the audience that the Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stone. Someone decided we could do better.

By the way, Jonathan Vehar did a superb workshop on innovation at a Sensitech offsite back in 2004, and I can highly recommend him and New and Improved if you are looking to enhance your thinking around innovation, or get some projects jump-started during these dark days of our hard times. A recession is always a good time to remember: We can do better than that.

I end my short Friday post with some bad news, however—news that makes me feel a bit like President Bush when he declared victory in Iraq:

The beavers are back. This may be a job for New and Improved. Stay tuned.

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