Money wealth and opening up your heart - Entrepreneur Generations

The Dalai lamas wealth - He gets paid the equivalent of around 38 pence in British (that's less than a dollar) a day expenses. Owns two robes, one on and one in the wash - his only indulgence is a new watch strap every now and again (Not leather off course). He is head of an entire country, albeit one in exile. Now that's rich! I would class the Dalai lama as one of the richest human beings on the planet today.

You notice with study that those who handle their wealth sensibly, share it and are generous with their time and money get back a whole lot more than those who squander, misuse, indulge and generally behave as if their wealth gives them a license to show off. 

The best use of wealth is to teach our children how to use it, earn it, invest it, save it and spend it wisely. Children need taught about tax, insurance and spending and all the stuff we never got taught growing up in the UK and maybe had to learn the hard way. Reading and writing are the best things you can teach anyone on the path to self reliance and independence. Never focus on the tricks of any trade, just learn the trade and work it all out on your own terms. 

There's an Arab saying that goes "If you have much, give of your wealth. If you have little, give of your heart" 

Have a phenomenal Sunday & make the rest of your life the best of your life. 


from William Robertson Money wealth and opening up your heart - Entrepreneur Generations

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