Climate change: and methane... the awful truth about Santa's greenhouse gas contributions - Entrepreneur Generations

Methane is the most problematic greenhouse gas:
Futures Forum: Climate change: the role of livestock and agriculture.......... or: "Can steak save the planet?"
Futures Forum: Good gas, bad gas........ Anaerobic Digestion and Methane from Livestock...

How much do humans and ruminants produce? And what about reindeer...?

Santa's Shameful Secret - not suitable for children

Ground-breaking greenhouse gases researcher and Director of the Advanced Training Partnership for Pastoral Agriculture, Professor Jamie Newbold, explains the horrible truth about greenhouse gases and where they come from. Dairy cattle can produce up to 600 litres of methane every day. But the role of cattle and other ruminants is trivial in comparison to Santa’s contribution to global warming.

Santa's shameful secret, not suitable for children | Farming Futures
Santa's Shameful Secret: Jamie's Xmas message - YouTube

See also:
Futures Forum: Climate change: and nitrous oxide
Futures Forum: Climate change: and farming with less nitrogen

from Futures Forum Climate change: and methane... the awful truth about Santa's greenhouse gas contributions - Entrepreneur Generations

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