Giving your best self to the world at Christmas - Entrepreneur Generations

When people are in caring jobs but are not cared for themselves, it has a negative effect on society as a whole. Today in the UK that's why problems of homelessness are still a problem over the Christmas period, it's not because the government doesn't take care of people, the British government is in place and is the best in the world. It's really down to the people in the jobs today not caring for people fully with attention properly because they are not cared for themselves and have personal problems of their own.

Care workers are going to work for a pay check and extra time off in today's times, rather than a full time fulfilling life purpose to care for others. Most people who are homeless have mental health problems, with these problems they refuse the legal care put in place for them and are left in the streets instead with no fixed address to collect government money to help and by doing this are not given the choice to pick a care person to look after them either. They prefer to be homeless and alone than looked down on by people in a care job who talk about drinking at the weekend and their own social desires of coffee, alcohol and TV watching.

I know this because I've been in the situation and the only way to help the homeless or anyone you may look to who has nothing is to show them deeply that strangers care. If you take the time and put your energy for people and explain the system then they can use the system not just to make themselves better, but can go on to change the life's of others. In order to care for other people deeply you need self confidence, self confidence is the ability to love yourself fully and be full of yourself also so you can then pour into the life of others.

If history has showed you anything then it's that the best people in any society at any time have always came from nothing, and by looking back they always remember that one time in life strangers cared for them as I am telling you from experience now.

So this Christmas instead of looking down on people without a home, or without a family go out and talk to them. Listen to them and treat them like a person, plant that seed of goodwill and then Christmas time again in a few years time you might see that same person again, but this time they may have grown into a healthy and sustainable version of themselves, they can now go back to others, open up networks and change life's and who knows your kid could be inspired by the person you helped lift up when that person was down in life.

It's easy to throw money in a cup, but not everyone with a cup needs the money either, it's just rewarded behaviour and also know an old man who has passed away now who gave up a full time job to beg as it paid more, it is also easy to tell people you donated to charity as the money is a by product of emotion in today's times with not much value. But by putting people into new situations where they can fail in then the money now has no value, when was the last time you spoke to a person you gave to in a cup for longer than 10 minutes? When was the last time you gave up your weekend for charity? That's the real accomplishments you should enjoy! By giving your time and energy to this way of life then you will change the life's of everyone around you naturally, and your own life becomes empowered and strong in the process. The gift of attention is what living a good life means, attention to yourself and your own health first then you will be drawn to others who walk their talk also rather than flip the money talk, there's always two sides to every coin.

So this Christmas give the gift of attention with complete energy to change the life's of others and yourself in the process. The world is full of great, amazing and lovable people everywhere that you look, if you look properly and it's the small things with the right gift of intention that bring the reward of inner riches. After the attention and energy if you have extra food, ideas, money or anything of value on top of your attention and energy then give that too, because you can have money and happiness together and there's enough of everything for everyone with the right intention.

Let me end this on a loving story, it's about a 70 year old homeless man who sleeps on the streets and gets his food from the fruit and vegetable that don't get sold. He is in peak health and they ask him ... You are strong, healthy but you don't have a home and you have no money or gym equipment .... He replies with if I didn't take care of my body then I would have no place to live.

Don't just take care of homeless people to make yourself feel better because not all of them need your help, but help the people you meet with your smile, your energy and your attention. That's what matters most, you didn't think I was going to give you a post to give things to others without giving to and questioning yourself did you?

Give to the people who deserve it, and by using your attention and energy you will find these people and it's not always the ones who look poor that need help. Some countries in Africa people don't have enough food but still sing with their families at night going to sleep, and in some cities in Britain business men and women jump of a bridge at Christmas instead of going home to their families.

By giving people the best version of yourself in complete attention you will notice by the energy that life is always beautiful, and everything we do with our life's makes a difference to the people around us regardless of how things look to the outside world.

Eat the apple, drink the water, read the book, meditate and make the rest of your life the best of your life.


from William Robertson Giving your best self to the world at Christmas - Entrepreneur Generations

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