In my culture growing up the sport of running was for the upper class, and even ultra runners think they are crazy but in reality it's a very sane and natural sport of sober enjoyment with nature and the people are really soft as I learned through the experience of meeting them.
The only reason people in my country, and tv crews and filming took to ultra running with me was because of my example of craziness finding peace was very unusual, why else would major sports brands sponsor a guy with no gold medals? It's so unusual that I've used my mind and made a lifestyle from doing the simple things over and over again that others just forget to do, like eat the apple, drink water, read a book, meditate, sleep well and do the opposite of what the crowd does.
Every success book gives you the same advice over and over, when other people my age went to the gym to get ready for the beach I went to the library to get ready for a lifestyle. The life experience added with a passion shown in communication, on the spot coaching and even public speaking added in with getting around amazing people has progressed my life to a new level of living and deeper understanding.
I'm not doing anything magical, just the simple things. I make a cracking direct results based conversation over a cup of tea and learned so much through life and the best advice I could ever leave behind that it's not who you know in life, it's what you know, and then what results you can execute what you know when the time comes to show it.
Showing is always better than telling, and in the words of Jim Rohn "success is not something you get, success is something you attract by the person you become".
Started this journey 5 years ago with no health, no money and no education ..... Then took a walk in the park, got a library card, a new house in high flats, some pennies in my hand, Internet access in the house, the iPhone, opening a written blog with bad grammar, turning the camera around on myself running in the mountains then next thing I'm a fit, healthy, athletic plant based ultra endurance vegan dad on podiums and the 6 o'clock news, tv, magazines and everything else, now educated more with a financial education and plan set up to constantly add value to others for the rest of my natural life, and living in a new house looking to the water and enjoying life with family back together in all our best ways of getting on. It's amazing what you can achieve in life when you know what you are doing, and why you are doing it.
All my life people said its good to have plans and structure, people also gave health advice, financial advice and everything else but heart always beats any of that as I've proven. I always run away from people who put the price before value. I also run away from people who don't practice what they preach, and don't have the results to show what they have done in life. Simply put the successful people don't have titles, they have a name with results. In the words of William Wallace from the film Braveheart "men don't follow titles, they follow courage" or in the words of Robert burns "bought and sold for English gold- Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!" He was a drunk though and a very successful poet, but it's never good to listen to anyone with alcohol in their system as over time they will eat their own words and fall as success is living your own truth all your days, not just preaching it in the pub. So in the words of Andrew Carnegie the richest man to ever live who was once the poorest and from Scotland also "As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do".
The moral of this status is that you can be, do and have whatever you want in life, but first you have to be, before you do , then do before you have. It's that simple, and in that order ~ if you don't think you can then get yourself to a library to start because it's full of people who have already done it all with success left in books on anything you can already see. For you to be the best you, then you just need to look within yourself, everything is inside of you and the real education in life is learning to let your own light shine for others around you. In the words of Steve jobs "Things don't have to change the world to be important". There's a unique pain that comes from people who want to change the world, that normal may never understand, with any unique story will come unique pain. With any great independence comes great pain first, it's a price you have to pay. I wish you peace that you may never have to feel that pain and suffering, but for those who have suffered the cure is to change the world around you for who and what you love, and to do that you need one thing, heart. Not the resources, not a country club golf membership, not a degree of validation, a posh community or a helping hand to start. All you need is heart, the right reasons and getting around other people with results. Normal people, well they just need to keep on looking at smaller statuses and entertainment fun with no insight to a deeper mindset and that's ok to enjoy life and the mindset they are given by whatever tv show and fashion brand is on next.
from William Robertson Started with nothing but the will to add value - Entrepreneur Generations
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