The laws of true love is when you step out of me into we.
1. Unconditional love and compassion.
You put the love of them first, it's impossible to be unhappy, depressed or sad in anyway when you love unconditionally.
2. Courage / Vulnerability.
You tell the full truth, open up and never hold back your gift of your deepest core, your gift coming from love is what changes the world of everything around you because of your love.
3. Discipline of positive intent.
Commitment of staying with love first, love before rules, it makes you a better human being because you love. Deeper truth is knowing you will serve that person, partner, child or animal no matter what. With no negative intent then immediate apology is love and understanding.
4. Honourable language.
Praise the person specifically, not generally. Be deep with what they do for you, emotion with that information is remembered forever. If you ever threaten the end, then it's over for good with no going back as you put doubt into a person your supposed to love with all of your heart. They can never truly trust you again, without trust you cannot love so always be clear and specific with your language and emotion.
5. Discipline of freedom.
Men live for freedom, he can't live without it. Women need it too but differently, women need more attention so guys I give this at all my talks, women don't want to be corrected or told what's right so learn to understand them and you'll always have her, because the whole world is already telling her what she should be doing. All women deserve this love, all men deserve the freedom to grow and expand in a pleasure or activity. Never expect your loved one to be different from who they already are.
6. Forgive easy when you love, you forget easy when you love too and you will flood your heart with passion and your why you do what you. Then your whole path, journey and lifestyle in life comes from a place of love, and you can do the impossible easily.
7. Nobody achieves anything without love, and if you haven't found your why you wake up in the morning then never give up on finding that as it all comes from within you. Success without fulfilment is not success, and fulfilment comes from your life, your actions and your freedom coming from a place of love and that is what creates peak life experience for any human being.
from William Robertson Understanding loving success - Entrepreneur Generations
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