You are who you hang out with in this life! - Entrepreneur Generations

You are who you hang out with in this world, you are a result of the 5 people that you spend the most time with. 

1. You hang around with people who drink alcohol and use recreational drugs then you will too or you will get abused (Motivated or made fun of to join) for not doing the same as the group eventually. 

2. You hang around with people who run marathons then eventually you will too or you will get abused (Motivated or made fun of to join) for not doing the same thing as the group eventually. 

3. Even becoming clinically obese is related to your social ties. If you have a close obese friend then there is a 57% chance you will be too, if you have 10 obese friends then you will be the 11th, unless the lucky (if there's such a thing) genetical code can save you. You can be obese and happy, some guys actually look for obese women so this is an example of your peer group not your idea of happiness. 

4. No surprise if your overweight friend tells you that you are putting on a few pounds its ok, because any praise or criticism on being healthy from an unhealthy person is not going to reliably come from that source. 

5. If your friends don't call you on your excuses and ask why you are not performing and when you reply instead of raising your game they give you comfort talk then that's why you have no results. Get teachers and examples and separate your friends from results coaching. 

6. High performing people don't separate friends, high performing people live in their own truth and wake up with passion, not coffee, they will be obsessed with improvement and you probably couldn't afford to pay for their personal training but you can look online and they give it away. If it's weights you use Greg plitt for example, life coaching Tony Robbins, personal development Jim Rohn, mindfulness Ajhan brahm, happiness and affirmations Louise Hay and all the greats get copied and modelled but not everyone can afford to travel to get around them, so use the Internet to your advantage. 

7. The U.K. 80% of people are overweight, people then pay expensive prices on mindfulness classes but don't get any life results or go to a gym lose weight and then put it back on. That's all down to the leaders they chose to follow, people sell service and products workout proven results of their own. It's time to get around people who walk their talk and live in their own truth 24/7 because that's the only way for lasting change. Getting around people who will make you raise your standards for the remainder of your natural life. 

8. You have all the choices to get around and listen to who you want too, everyone in the UK, Europe and America is self made, and there is no excuse for any human being to not be doing well at the peak of their performance at whatever age they are in whatever field they choose. No human being alive today has hit their full potential, you can always improve! 

9. Your wage, life savings and whole lifestyle is also a result of who you hang around with. Believe it or not, if you actually all pulled out your true bank balance to show with statements, investments, shares and even passive income to show exactly what you are worth in assets then you would have within the same range ~ plus or minus of say £5,000. 

10. Your net worth is never your self worth, but who you have around is a true reflection of your mental, physical and emotional fitness and standards. 

11. Saying goodbye to people is of benefit for everyone involved because to stay in touch with someone because you think they will be useful is manipulation and you will both lose. Best to stay in touch with people you admire, generally want to talk to, learn from or help. If you think you can contribute to their goals then let them know, if people can help with yours then let them know or introduce them to other people. 

12. High achievers love what they do and don't feel the need to separate their work associates from personal friends. So rather than developing business contacts they just be a proactive friend and more people bring themselves into the situations and places they are in. Genuine friends will recommend your style and way of life without looking for it, then those people become more than just friends they become supporters in who you are and they do so because of how you connect with each other over time in person, online, at seminars, meetings, coffee shops or in any area. Just be you and life will be you too, it's that simple. Not easy, but simple! 

13. If you want to be an author, speaker, entreprenuer or entertainer then you need to hang around with like minded people or groups and seek the training and the help. If you want to pass time then get around other time passers, do what works for you, and then you will find yourself surrounded with people who do the same thing whether it's watching a football team or helping the football team with their financial education. 

14. What's your idea of success? Who could you model? Now find out what that person does everyday and do the same thing, because there's no point reinventing things, success leaves the clues. If it's making dinner, starting a business or running a marathon then there is people who have already done whatever you want to do in life, all you have to do is be you, look at success, create your own style and go for it. Success and failure take the same amount of work, how long did it take you to try alcohol? Who did you do it with and why? Being successful takes the same amount of effort. 

15. Where you are now in life is a result if your peer group, the people you look up to and mould yourself around, don't think for a second people around you don't influence you! You are your peer group, and so are your results, end of. Personally speaking and with no surprises I am a leader, and lead by example and always have, failed so much and will again as I'm always willing too and that's success to me, growth and contribution. You could give me 10 million pounds a day to be a manager and I would say no as I do what I love and that's it. I'm not trained to boss people about, I lead by example and that's what I do, with my life I add value to others.  I choose self reliant activities in running, public speaking and writing for example and stay away from the group involved activities of sport because if the group can do it then I would rather watch their success with a smile and then enjoy my own 100 mile run being all that I can be. I don't involve myself with running groups as that's my time, I involve myself with business people and groups, coaching and strategy talk but when it comes to running and writing I keep them both creatively free away from structure. 

16. I love all friendship and connections, I love peaceful people and those who live their truth, I love social media friendship also, marketing and gather great insights and inspiration from others and their achievements, the more I achieve the more others do too. I'm an example of being a self reliant and successful person yes, but I do go for a lot of help when I need it, for example joined an author group but when it comes to fitness and the gym I don't need that external motivation and do it all on my own.  I don't need coffee to wake me up as I have passion, I traveled Scotland and realised strangers care, old people with a smile on their face told me how they do it, my lifestyle change has to do with modelling behaviour of happy, successful and inspirational people in my daily life and online, I always talk to old people who have that inner peace smile and ask them how they do it, they always teach me so much and I learn, alO when I go to the library I go to learn it all, not know it all. I don't need to sell myself to people as my friends have became supporters and even strangers pass people onto me and you guys have done that also with recommendations and shares because you are leaders. Leaders study and recommend other leaders, because they know there's enough success and everything for everyone who looks for it and the first thing I look for in the library funnily enough is leaders and their success. Not the managers, not the great teams, or winning armies, not how to get rich quick. I look for homeless people with nothing who made their own self reliant and successful lifestyle, I love a rags the rags to riches story or giving up one lifestyle to create inner peace in another. 

17. Don't think for one minute people who succeed, change and get results do it on their own. Study any of the greats and they all studied the greats and by studying and doing the same things you will have a great life in whatever you do, but if you wait for a politician to do your press ups or your friends to join a new lifestyle and teaching programme eventually over time you will realise that life is a do if yourself project, and that's a very beautiful thing. 

18. Effort is between you and you, it's got nothing to do with anyone else. So if this was your last day alive, who would you spend it with? Who do you live for? What legacy do you want to leave behind when you go? Apart from your friends and family if you where to die today, who else would care? And are you happy with that? If you could pay to give service to other people, what would you pay to do? What would you pay to give other people? Instead of thinking of a job giving you value, what value could you give a person or animal with your value? A cleaner at a hospital is not just a cleaner, they are helping sustain an environment for people who need help, every single person on this planet is special and important, everyone has value to give others. What's yours? What effort do you give the world around you? What can you do today to make a difference in yourself, your health and your lifestyle that could change the life's of those around you? Could you get fit? Give more? Build opportunity? Go vegan? Whatever you want to do in life go and do it, reasons come first, the results come later! Everyone does what's important to them first, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Remember it's think and grow rich, not work hard and blame the TV, newspapers and weather to grow rich. Everything is in the world to benifit you, when you invest in you then other people will invest in you to. The more you give the more you will get, you reap what you sow in this life. In love, health, peace, lifestyle, passion, fitness, growth, contribution and finances. 


from William Robertson You are who you hang out with in this life! - Entrepreneur Generations

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