Knowle relocation project: and granting oneself planning permission - Entrepreneur Generations

The District Council's planning committee has turned down the private planning application to build at Knowle:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: >>> planning application REFUSED by District Council >>> further reports

However, last month, it approved its own planning application to build in Honiton:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: District Council planning application for Honiton HQ >>> 16/1292/MFUL approved
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: District Council planning application for Honiton HQ >>> 16/1292/MFUL approved >>> reports

The District Council can award itself planning permission:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: of Tribunals, moving to Skypark and granting oneself 
planning permission

Where the District Council is applying for development on their own land and it is refused by its planning committee, then the full Council will have an opportunity to vote on the matter.

This amendment was introduced AFTER the refusal of planning permission to the District Council on their own land at the Knowle in March 2013.

Here is the extract from page 72 of the District Council's constitution: (Or page 24 on the other link)

NOTE: Where the Cabinet proposes carrying out development on the Council’s own land which requires planning permission the Cabinet shall submit its proposals to the Development Management Committee for decision. 
The Development Management Committee having carried out the appropriate consultation through the Service Lead – Planning Strategy & Development Management shall then, if it is so minded, grant permission unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be thought fit. 
If after due consideration the Development Management Committee is not minded to grant planning permission then the matter shall be referred to Council for the Council itself to make a final decision. 


So the District Council cannot reverse the decision on the Knowle, as the application is by a private developer, on Council land.


Cabinet will be meeting next Wednesday to consider the issue - although Item 14 seems to have miraculously disappeared: 
EDDC relocation update at Cabinet meeting, 14 December, 5.30 pm | Save Our Sidmouth

The East Devon Watch blog notes:


7 DEC 2016

EDDC has updated its ‘Moving and Improving’ website after the decision by the Development Management Committee to REFUSE the PegasusLife planning application.

Owl always thought that planning decisions were taken by the DMC. It appears not. Which begs the question: why have committees at all?

It seems East Devon is turning into Trumpland.

This is what it now says:

“December 2016

Development Management Committee refuse the planning application by Pegasus Life Ltd for Knowle.

Cabinet and Council (separately) will take the opportunity to review the Project. This is known as Gateway 7 which is to note satisfaction of the financial requirements and restrictions of the Final Design, confirmation of Contractors Project Costs, advice regarding Planning Application for EDDC at Heathpark and for Pegasus Life Ltd at Knowle.

December 2017
Relocation to refurbished Exmouth Town Hall.

April 2018
Relocation to Honiton complete.”

Cabinet and Full Council to overthrow DMC Knowle decision? | East Devon Watch
Moving and Improving: all you need to know about the office relocation - Project timeline - key dates - East Devon

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: and granting oneself planning permission - Entrepreneur Generations

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