Quarrying in East Devon > Straitgate approved for inclusion in Devon's mineral's plan - Entrepreneur Generations

The controversial site for a new quarry near Ottery looks as if it's going to happen:
Futures Forum: Quarrying in East Devon > Straitgate site endorsed as preferred area in Devon Minerals Plan

This has now been confirmed:

Devon County Council approves Straitgate Farm for inclusion in quarrying strategy

Thursday, 01 December 2016  by Claire

In a not very surprising development, Devon County Council’s planning committee last week approved Straitgate Farm on the edge of Ottery St Mary for inclusion in the authority’s minerals plan for sand and gravel quarrying.

A planning inspector overruled some significant concerns and objections from Devon County Council’s highways department, Natural England and the Environment Agency - read more here - http://ift.tt/2e8AS7V

I was unable to attend the meeting but my statement was was read out - below:

For more information about the controversial proposals, see http://ift.tt/1NWS4rJ

Aggregate Industries is now preparing a planning application, following a public exhibition last week. It is very important that if people are concerned about the plans, that they respond to the planning application. More on this very soon….

“There are many aspects of Straitgate’s proposed inclusion in the minerals plan that I (and many others) believe does not stand up to scrutiny, including the possibility of damaging an underground watercourse. This risks over 100 people’s water supplies, ancient woodland and flooding.

“I am very disappointed that the objections of Devon County Council’s own highways department have been overruled, as well as the Environment Agency and Natural England on their concerns relating to the underground watercourse.

“However, below is the most relevant consideration that I believe councillors need to address today:

“Aggregate Industries have confirmed (at yesterday’s Blackhill Liaison Meeting) that material from Straitgate could now only be processed over 23 miles away, at Uffculme. To include Straitgate in the Plan, therefore, would present a completely unsustainable proposition. 44-tonne HGVs hauling sand and gravel on 46 mile round trips - for 1.2 million tonnes, that would result in 2.5 million HGV miles on Devon’s roads, and 4,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions!

“This completely contradicts the sustainability aims of both the National Planning Policy Framework and Devon’s Minerals Plan:

“The minerals plan states (page number not quoted as drafts have altered): “Mitigation of and adaptation to climate change is a key consideration and statutory duty for the Devon Minerals Plan, and will be a cross-cutting theme for the Strategy.

“Maintaining the production of sand and gravel from the southern and northern parts of the Pebble Beds is also important in minimising transportation distances to the main markets in Devon and adjoining areas in accordance with Objective 1 and Policy M1.

“Spatial Strategy (Policy M1) ensures that the distances that minerals are transported by road are minimised

“This spatial pattern will also minimise the contribution of mineral development to climate change.

“Chapter 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework makes it clear that transportation miles in any development must be minimised. A 46 mile round trip taken dozens of times every day is not in line with the principles and direction of the NPPF.”

Devon County Council approves Straitgate Farm for inclusion in quarrying strategy - Claire Wright

And from the Straitgate Action Group itself:
Straitgate Action Group: "At LafargeHolcim, we want to lead in sustainability and set new standards"
Straitgate Action Group

See also:
Futures Forum: Quarrying in East Devon > Aggregate Industries to hold another public exhibition on its proposals for Straitgate > Wednesday 23rd November

from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2hlb8oe Quarrying in East Devon > Straitgate approved for inclusion in Devon's mineral's plan - Entrepreneur Generations

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