Brexit: and the economic impact as “somewhere between difficult and disastrous” for many hotels - Entrepreneur Generations

We are seeing a gulf opening up between the promises of the government over migration and the needs of employers - as highlighted in a report from the Home Office's Migration Advisory Committee:
Businesses back unrestricted access to EU workers after Brexit - Financial Times
Brexit: UK firms 'fearful' for future migration system - BBC News
Employers hire migrants because they are more motivated... | Daily Mail Online

A key question has always been whether employing migrants depresses wage levels:
Futures Forum: Brexit: and the hospitality industry >>> migrant labour and low-wages
Futures Forum: Brexit: and cheap labour for the hospitality and care industries

But the problem will be who will do the jobs once the migrants leave:
Futures Forum: Brexit: and the day the immigrants left
Futures Forum: Brexit: and migrant workers in care homes and hotels >>> Who will take care of us "when the immigrants leave?"

Sidmouth employs many migrants in its hospitality, tourism and care industries:
Futures Forum: Migration, Sidmouth and East Devon

But are these businesses ready for labour shortages post-Brexit?
Futures Forum: Brexit: and catering, construction and care sectors getting ready
Futures Forum: Brexit: and an uncertain future for the hospitality industry

It appears not, as reported by the Independent: 

EU nationals 'higher quality and more eager' workers than UK citizens, government report finds

Brexit could be 'disastrous' for some industries if government carries out its plan to cut immigration because European workers play a 'sometimes vital' role, businesses warn

May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent

27 March 2018

EU nationals are “higher quality and more eager” workers than British citizens and it could be “disastrous” for some industries if immigration is reduced after Brexit, a government report on migration has found. The report by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) reveals UK businesses view European migrants as more motivated, flexible and willing to work longer hours than the domestic labour force.

Experts said many firms in lower-skilled sectors had built a business model in which the availability of migrant labour from the continent played an important and “sometimes vital” role. 
The report took evidence from more than 400 businesses, industry bodies and government departments as part of a major inquiry ordered by home secretary Amber Rudd.

Employers indicated that workers from the European Economic Area (EEA) were “more motivated and flexible than UK-born workers”, including a greater willingness to work longer and unsociable hours, and said they were often better qualified for the jobs they do.

The accommodation and hospitality sector emerged as being particularly at risk, with nearly half (43 per cent) of workers in restaurants, fast food stores, hotels and pubs originating from outside the UK, according to evidence submitted to the committee.

It showed there were already signs of shortages of low-skilled workers in this sector, with reports from businesses of vacancies not being filled and increased advertising for staff or the use of agency labour to fill gaps.

Employers in the hospitality industry warned that if they were denied the availability of EU workers, the economic impact would be “somewhere between difficult and disastrous” for many hotels.

EU nationals 'higher quality and more eager' workers than UK citizens, government report finds | The Independent

from Futures Forum Brexit: and the economic impact as “somewhere between difficult and disastrous” for many hotels - Entrepreneur Generations

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