Regenerating Exmouth seafront >>> appointing HemingwayDesign to 'provide a renewed momentum' - Entrepreneur Generations

For some time now, Transition Exmouth has been urging a little creativity from the District Council over its plans for the town:
Seafront guru Wayne suggested for Exmouth | Latest Exmouth News - Exmouth Journal
Futures Forum: Regenerating Exmouth seafront >>> "Transition Exmouth calls on the chair of Exmouth Regeneration Board to demonstrate a willingness to listen to an outside expert and issue an invitation to Wayne Hemingway to visit our town."
Top designer offers help with new Exmouth seafront ideas | East Devon Watch

It looks as though Wayne Hemingway is on his way - with a piece in today's Telegraph:

Can the man who revived Margate with Dreamland overhaul Exmouth?

Wayne Hemmingway, the man who revived Margate and other seaside towns, who has turned his attention to Exmouth CREDIT: MARK MAINZ/NEWSQUEST MEDIA GROUP

Laura Latham 27 MARCH 2018 • 7:00AM

Devon’s coast has ­always been a magnet for tourists, who arrive in droves each summer. But beyond the fabulous beaches, many coastal towns have been in decline for some time, their glory becoming bleak and run down.

Exmouth is one of those towns: while it has a host of assets, including two miles of sandy beach, the wildlife-rich Exe Estuary and a bay that makes it ideal for watersports, it has suffered from a lack of redevelopment and investment. Its offering is considered outdated by younger or well-travelled visitors.

Conversely, Exeter, just 12 miles away, is in the middle of a property boom, with house prices up 9.1 per cent last year, according to Halifax. The historic cathedral city...

Can the man who revived Margate with Dreamland overhaul Exmouth? - Telegraph

The Exmouth Journal reports from last month: 

EDDC bosses set to appoint specialists for Exmouth seafront regeneration

PUBLISHED: 16:24 26 February 2018

Stephen Sumner

Cabinet bosses are being asked to sign off the appointment of specialists in coastal regeneration to assist with the final phase of the transformation of Exmouth seafront.

HemingwayDesign has worked with authorities in Boscombe, Bognor Regis, Margate, Morecambe, Lowestoft and Weston-Super-Mare. If approved by East Devon District Council’s cabinet on Wednesday, March 6, it will play a key role in developing a fresh vision for the mix of leisure uses for phase three of the Queen’s Drive redevelopment.

Councillor Philip Skinner, EDDC’s economy chief and chairman of the Exmouth Regeneration Board said: “HemingwayDesign is very keen to come to Exmouth and work with the town on a new vision for the seafront, especially now that the water sports centre design and planning proposals are moving forward. We want to move ahead and capture ideas for phase three of the seafront site.

“The future of the area has been discussed and debated for many years and the appointment of HemingwayDesign will provide a renewed momentum in seeking the very best for this key site in Exmouth. Wayne Hemingway and his team can work with the breadth of Exmouth stakeholders to bring a new approach to changing and improving Exmouth seafront and its value to the town and local economy. We hope that stakeholders will engage positively and creatively to this challenge.”

The original idea to involve HemingwayDesign came from Transition Exmouth and the authority says it is committed to consult with residents, visitors, businesses and the creative community to create proposals for the final phase of the development.

Mr Hemingway said: “We are excited about the opportunity of working in Exmouth. Timing is everything when it comes to regeneration particularly as the town is about to be offered the opportunity of a new sustainable watersports facility. This will attract a vibrant, health conscious, outdoor loving, community with a relatively high disposable income. A new generation is realising that the British coastline has so much going for it and that crowded Mediterranean beaches don’t hold a light to the unspoilt beauty of beaches like Exmouth. There is a real opportunity for the town to look forward with confidence.”

EDDC bosses set to appoint specialists for Exmouth seafront regeneration | Latest Exmouth News - Exmouth Journal

The Western Morning News gives a full account:
Council appoints 'Dreamland' team to breathe new life into Exmouth seafront - Devon Live

And earlier this month, the District Council's cabinet approved the selection of HemingwayDesign as a consultant in the final phase of the Queens Drive regeneration scheme:
HemingwayDesign appointed as Exmouth seafront consultatnt | Latest Exmouth News - Exmouth Journal

Full transparency of process has been promised: 

Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held at Knowle, Sidmouth on 7 March 2018 

Public Speaking

Mr Nick Hookway spoke on Minute 188, Exemption from Contract Standing Orders – Hemingway Design. Mr Hookway asked a number of questions which included: 
 Would the brief with Hemingway Design be made public? 
 Would there be transparency for the public to have access to Mr Hemingway’s design and brief? 
 What assurances did the residents of Exmouth have to being able to access consultation with Mr Hemingway’s team? 
 Would there be consideration for a flexible approach to funding on any future developments recommended by Mr Hemingway? 

The Portfolio Holder Economy in response welcomed working with Mr Hemingway and his team and agreed that everyone working on this project were open to all ideas from everyone. He reiterated that the design had to be the best for Exmouth and its residents and. 
The Deputy Chief Executive stated during discussions on Minute 188 that the agreed brief would be published by the end of March 2018. 

EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCILMinutes of the meeting of Cabinet held at Knowle, Sidmouthon 7 March 2018

from Futures Forum Regenerating Exmouth seafront >>> appointing HemingwayDesign to 'provide a renewed momentum' - Entrepreneur Generations

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