Climate emergency > County Council to vote Thursday 21st February - Entrepreneur Generations

The District Council will not be considering a debate on the urgency of climate change:
Futures Forum: District Council rejects considering motion "to recognise that Climate Change and Global Warming are the key issues of our time, to acknowledge the strong concerns of young people and for the council to commit to introducing a policy of carbon measurement and reduction"

As pointed out by the East Devon Watch blog:
Exeter and Devon County Council debate climate change – EDDC CEO refuses to allow debate | East Devon Watch

However, the County Council will be taking this on - tomorrow:
Futures Forum: Climate emergency: Devon to go carbon neutral by 2050

As will Exeter City Council - all in the context of our young people reminding us of the importance of it all:
Futures Forum: School Strike for Climate Action UK > Friday 15th February > happening in Devon
Futures Forum: School Strike for Climate Action UK > Friday 15th February > reports from Devon

Transition Exeter reports: 

Climate Emergency Motions

Green Councillor Chris Musgrave is bringing a motion to Exeter City Council on Tuesday February 26th calling on it to
  1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’;
  2. Pledge to make the city of Exeter carbon neutral by 2030 or sooner, taking into account both production and consumption emissions;
  3. Call on Westminster to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible;
  4. Continue to work with partners across the city and region, including Devon County Council, to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans;
To support the motion letters to city councillors would be very welcome; and supporters plan to gather outside the Guildhall before the motion is heard, at 5 pm on 26th February.

Devon County Council will also discuss a similar motion on Thursday February 21st.  

Our Facebook page shows the {minority of} councillors who have pledged to support the motion. .  Cabinet has recommended changing the motion to aim for 2050.  This is not much of an emergency!  Please to your county councillor asking them to support the motion with the original target date for being carbon neutral of 2030.  They will not be able to do this with their present budget and powers but the motion would be a strong call to Westminster to make realistic action possible!
Find your county councillor here  
Hundreds of school and college students cut classes and gathered at Devon County Council on Friday 15th February for what could become a monthly Climate Strike; demanding emergency action on climate change. Strikes took place in dozens of UK towns from Ullapool to Falmouth and across the world.

The fight for the future is on! 


from Futures Forum Climate emergency > County Council to vote Thursday 21st February - Entrepreneur Generations

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