"What would a zero carbon city look like?" > Transition Exeter: talk and discussion: Friday 1st March - Entrepreneur Generations

There are big plans for Exeter as reported in the news section of the VGS website these last weeks:
Liveable Exeter “highlights the property crisis while trying to solve transport challenges”
Exeter Transport Strategy > consultation now open
Exeter: portrait of a city published: “educated, sustainable, unaffordable”
A better connected, more ‘liveable’ Exeter
Exeter Vision 2020: ‘sustainable development’?
East Exeter gets a £1.3m cycle bridge

Transition Exeter looks at these - in the context of a 'zero-carbon city': 

What would a zero carbon city look like?

In this newsletter we're excited to let you know about next Friday's talk with Natalie Bennett on 'What would a zero carbon city look like?'  And just in time for when our Green Councillor Chris Musgrave brings a Climate Emergency Motion to Exeter City Council.  Devon County Council faces a similar motion on Feb 21st - still time to write to your councillor. DCC is also consulting on its new Transport Plan, a crucial influence on our city -  use the link at the the bottom to have your say.  Details of this and more below.

Look out for next Friday's talk and discussion, co-hosted with University of Exeter's Global Systems Institute

What would a Zero Carbon City Look Like 
with Natalie Bennett
Friday 1st March 6 pm 

University of Exeter, Henderson Lecture Theatre, XFi Building

Natalie attended the COP24 Climate talks in Poland last December and discusses what cities can do and are doing to move to zero carbon solutions for homes, travel and more
Further details https://www.facebook.com/events/393721694694818/?active_tab=about

Devon Transport Plan Consultation
Devon County Council is asking people what they would like to see Exeter's future transport system look like. In the last few years Exeter has grown fast, and the distance commuters travel has also increased. But we can't fit more cars on to our existing road network, air pollution is above safe levels on many of the main roads and the provision for sustainable transport is patchy. On the postive side, there are signs that people's travel habits are beginning to change, and the proposed new strategy aims to build on that. 
The Transition Exeter Transport Group have been discussing the draft strategy and we think there are lots of encouraging points - a shift to people-centred design, a focus on active and sustainable travel, a high quality cycle network, more frequent bus servies between Exeter and nearby towns, a simpler, integrated ticketing system and others. But the document doesn't go into much detail and it completely misses out climate change and any mention of the needs to cut carbon emissions!
It's important that the council hear what we would like Exeter's streets to be like in future - please take a look at the proposal and send in your views. You can find the consultation here 
There is an online survey to send your response - it's simple to complete and only takes a few minutes. You don't need to be an Exeter resident to respond - everyone who travels in Exeter for any reason should make sure  their voice is heard. You've got until 28 February to respond.
Alternatively, you can send your comments by post or email to the following
Post: Transport Planning, AB2 Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD
Email: transportplanning@devon.gov.uk

@TTExeter  01647 24789
Copyright © 2017 Transition Exeter, All rights reserved.

What would a zero carbon city look like?
Transition Exeter
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