Northern Jazz Promoter meet up at the seaside - Entrepreneur Generations

The next Northern Jazz Promoters meet up will be atScarborough Jazz Festival on Saturday Sept 21st at Scarborough Spa 10.30 for 10am for 10.30am- 1pm followed by refreshments. We’ll be sharing information, looking at the club internship/ music education hubs proposals as well as any items or ideas you want to bring along for discussion - email either Gill Wilde or myself by Thus 12 September. 

We’ll also be having our AGM that morning so if we have any nominations for the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and NE rep please let us know, again by that date.

Also any northern promoters who are not currently members of the network are welcome to join us  – see you by the seaside in Scarborough!   

Steve Crocker
Northern Jazz Promoters

from NorthernJazzLive Northern Jazz Promoter meet up at the seaside - Entrepreneur Generations

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