National Park Service updates oil and gas regulations on land it owns - Entrepreneur Generations

The National Park Service on Friday updated its regulations for oil and gas drilling on land it owns, "bringing hundreds of wells under the agency’s authority for the first time," Timothy Cama reports for The Hill. Drilling only occurs in 12 of 413 national parks.

The rules, updated for the first time in 37 years, bring 319 wells "under NPS regulations, removes a cap on financial bonding requirements for drillers and strengthens enforcement powers," Cama writes. NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis said in a statement: “The changes we made to this rule bring more than 300 previously exempt oil and gas operations in parks under NPS regulations. The rule clarifies the process for oil and gas development in the small group of parks where current operations exist, and for parks that may have to manage oil and gas operations in the future.” (Read more)

from The Rural Blog National Park Service updates oil and gas regulations on land it owns - Entrepreneur Generations

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